Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies Councillor McCloskey Minutes: Cllr. McCloskey sent apologies. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: Cllr. Clark declared an interest in the last two applications due to her role on the Trust, and her intention to leave the meeting for those items. The Legal Officer added that the car park relevant to item 5c was owned by the council. |
Declarations of independent site visits Minutes: Cllr. Clark had visited Priory Street. Cllr Barnes had visited Merestones Drive. Cllrs. Baker and Payne had visited Merestones Drive and Priory Street. Cllrs. Pineger and Oliver had visited all the sites bar the Wilson. |
Minutes of last meeting Minutes of the meeting held on 19 August 2021 Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed as a correct record. |
Additional documents: |
21/01517/FUL 17 Merestones Drive, Cheltenham GL50 2SU Additional documents: Minutes: The Planning Officer, Daniel O’Neill, presented the applications relating to 17 and 21 Merestones Drive at the same time. Both applications had been referred to committee by Cllr. Barrell due to the impact on the area’s visual amenity. Members asked the following questions, with the following replies from the Officer:
The Chair moved to the debate and members made the following comments:
There being no further comments, the Chair moved to vote on the Officer’s recommendation to permit the first application (17 Merestones Drive). FOR 8 AGAINST 2 ABSTAIN 0
There being no further comments, the Chair moved to vote on the Officer’s recommendation to permit the second application (21 Merestones Drive). FOR 8 AGAINST 2 ABSTAIN 0
21/01529/FUL Priory Cottage, 18 Priory Street, Cheltenham GL52 6DG Additional documents: Minutes: The Planning Officer, Claire Donnelly, presented the application, which related to the addition of an air source heat pump to an existing wall. The application had been referred to committee by Cllr. Wilkinson, and the recommendation was to refuse due to the detrimental impact on the conservation area and neighbour amenity. The applicant, Colin Smith, spoke in support of the application. He emphasised that he sought to replace an inefficient 20 year old gas combi boiler with an environmentally friendly air source heat pump. He acknowledged that it was a town centre location but stressed that it was positioned as far away from neighbours as possible. He had two priorities: the environment and the neighbours. On the issue of conservation, he noted that most of the city centre was in a conservation area, so some leeway was needed. He also took issue with the environmental health requirement for a noise pollution survey, as it was a unique location, and he had been told that an acoustic survey was not necessary. If it was built anywhere else on their land it would not require planning permission or an acoustic survey, but this was a sensibly chosen position. Cllr. Wilkinson spoke in support of the application, noting that no members of the public had objected to it. Cheltenham was committed to becoming carbon neutral as soon as possible, with a target of 2030, and refusing the application would send a negative message to households that were going above and beyond and making a significant investment to help the climate. He understood the policy position of officers, but the need to act on the climate emergency was essential. The suggested refusal for noise reasons was put forward without an actual noise assessment, and it was hard to make precise predictions about new technology. The suggested refusal based on harming a conservation area was also questionable, since the installation would overlook a car park with around 12 spaces and be screened by trees. This was not an area of natural beauty that needed to be protected. He asked that if members were to reject it, that they work with planning officers to change future policies so that climate and environmental goals were taken into account. The council should support residents who want to aid it in its fight against climate change. Members asked the following questions, with the following replies from the Officer:
The Chair moved to the debate and members made the following comments:
Minutes: Having declared an interest in this and the next item, Cllr. Clark left the meeting. The Planning Officer presented the application, which related to replacing worn parapet gutters and zinc sections of the courtyard roof One Member asked the Officer to clarify that some of this related to lead being replaced with zinc. The Officer clarified that this was the case. There being no further comments, the Chair moved to vote on the recommendation to permit the application. FOR 10 AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN 0
PERMITTED unanimously |
21/01687/FUL & 21/01687/LBC Pittville Pump Room, East Approach Drive, Cheltenham GL52 3JE Additional documents: Minutes: The Planning Officer presented the application, which related to the installation of new gates and railings at East and West Approach Drives and associated alterations, and the restoration of 19th century steps to the front of the Pump Rooms. Members asked the following questions, with the following replies from the Officer:
One Member welcomed the application and noted how pleased they were to see the Pump Rooms so popular at the moment. There being no further comments, the Chair moved to vote on the recommendation to permit the application. FOR 10 AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN 0
PERMITTED unanimously
The Chair moved to vote on the recommendation to grant the application. FOR 10 AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN 0
GRANTED unanimously |
For information |
Any other items the Chairman determines urgent and requires a decision Minutes: The Chair noted that it was Mike Holmes’ last Planning Meeting, and thanked him for his work as Interim Head of Planning during very difficult circumstances. Members echoed this and wished him well. |