Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies Apologies have been received from Councillor Barrell,Councillor Barnes and Councillor Oliver. Minutes: There were apologies received from Cllrs Barnes, Barrell and Oliver. In the absence of Cllr Barnes (Chair) Cllr Baker as Vice Chair chaired the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Declarations of independent site visits Minutes: Cllr Payne visited : 155 Leckhampton Road, Cromwell Court and Burrows Field.
Cllr McCloskey visited: 155 Leckhampton Road, Cromwell Court and Burrows Field.
Cllr Fifield visited: Robert Harvey House. |
Minutes of last meeting PDF 257 KB Minutes of the meeting held on 20th May 2021. Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were approved. |
Planning/Listed Building/Conservation Area Consent/Advertisement Applications, Applications for Lawful Development Certificate and Tree related applications – see Main Schedule |
21/01106/FUL 155 Leckhampton Road, Cheltenham GL53 0AD PDF 490 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Planning Officer presented the report.
There were no Member questions and the matter then went to debate.
The only point raised it the debate was a matter for the Head of Planning regarding the colour that houses are painted and is there a way that they can insist that properties are painted a certain colour to assist with the Climate Emergency. It was suggested that the Member approached the Cabinet Member for Climate Change to discuss.
The matter then went to the vote to permit:
Permit: 7 Abstain: 1
21/00646/CONDIT Cromwell Court, Greenway Lane, Charlton Kings, GL52 6PW PDF 320 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Planning Officer presented the report.
The agent on the applicant spoke on the application and reassured the committee that the properties will fit in with an AONB and that it does comply with custom build.
There were no Member questions.
The matter then went to debate: - There is a need for a formal definition of a self-build as the properties appear to be bespoke rather than self-built. - It seems that the change in condition is an excuse not to pay Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - There is variation in the estate but still believes that it is contrived not to receive CIL. - This matter has uncovered a loop hole with regard to CIL. - The loss of natural habitat is a concern.
The Legal Officer stated that CIL is a legislation matter and issued a reminder to Members that they are only considering the layout, design etc.
The Interim Head of Planning explained that the original permission was for self and custom build properties.
- The point was then made by a Member that the Forest of Dean use Section 106 for self and custom build dwellings and the Cheltenham should investigate this.
The Interim Head of Planning agreed that this could have been used in hindsight and that the Legal Officer and himself would investigate further. The Chair had concerns regarding maximum investment in the town and asked that Section 106 be looked into as soon as possible.
The matter then went to the vote to permit.
Permit – 6 Against – 2
21/00853/COU 37 Robert Harvey House, Winchcombe Street, Cheltenham GL52 2NL PDF 280 KB Minutes: The Planning Officer presented the report.
There were no public speakers.
There were no Member Questions and no Member debate.
The matter went to the vote to permit.
Permit – 8 – Unanimous
21/00935/FUL Burrows Field Pavilion, Merlin Way, Cheltenham PDF 498 KB Minutes: The planning officer presented the report.
There were no public speakers.
The matter went to Member questions:
- The question was raised regarding noise and it was confirmed that Environmental Health were happy with the noise level. - A further question was raised regarding the security of the unit. It was explained that this was not part of the planning process and would be to the Green Space teams responsibility. - A question was raised with regards a maintenance programme – this is also not part of the planning permission and is the Green Space teams responsibility.
No Member debate.
The matter then went to the vote to permit.
Permit – 8 unanimous.
For information. Minutes: These were noted as published. |
Any other items the Chairman determines urgent and requires a decision Minutes: The matter was raised that when Members names appear as does their political party as it is an a- political committee does this need to be the case. This was referred to the Legal Officer and the Interim Head of Planning. It was agreed that it was not relevant, the Chair disagreed as he thought that it was good to see that it was a mix of political parties. The Legal Officer will confirm his decision.
The meeting closed at : 11.50 am
Next Meeting – Thursday 15th July has been cancelled – next meeting Thursday 19th August. |