Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions
Contact: Judith Baker, Planning Committee Co-ordinator
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies: Cllr McCloskey
Note: Councillor Hobley has resigned from Planning Committee.
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
Councillor Barrell: knew the speaker on Land off Shelley Road many years ago, but hasn’t met or had any contact for some considerable time. Is advised that this is not a prejudicial interest.
Councillors Payne, Wheeler, Sudbury and Fisher: GCC is the applicant for Land off Shelley Road and they are all county councillors, but have had no involvement in the application, as confirmed to the legal officer. This is not therefore a prejudicial interest.
Declarations of independent site visits Minutes: Councillor Payne: Land off Shelley Road; Byways
Councillor Cooke: all sites
Public Questions Minutes: There were none. |
Minutes of last meeting PDF 378 KB Minutes: Amended as follows:
Councillor Barrell: corrected a previously-amended minute from August 2019: ‘Even if the hall is not listed …’
Councillor Collins: foot of Page 11 – ‘noted that the existing fence line to be retained was in a different place on the approved and revised schemes due to the 2m difference’. This isn’t strictly true as it was due to a mistake on the drawing – the author of the drawings moved the property 2m back into the site, but the fence line didn’t move. Amend to: ‘Due to an error on the images shown to the Committee…’
Planning/Listed Building/Conservation Area Consent/Advertisement Applications, Applications for Lawful Development Certificate and Tree related applications – see Main Schedule |
19/01190/OUT Land off Shelley Road PDF 706 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Officer introduction MP introduced the outline application for redevelopment of the former Monkscroft School, providing up to 60 dwellings, including 40% affordable units. The site is allocated in the emerging Cheltenham Plan for up to 60 dwellings, and the application is at committee because GCC is the applicant. Proposed access is via Shelley Road - this is the only fixed aspect, with all else to be considered under reserved matters, should be principle be considered acceptable. Gloucestershire Highways have not raised any objection to the proposed access point, but there are concerns from local residents regarding parking and highways safety. Only the principle of development and access points are being considered today – an illustrative masterplan has been submitted to show what the site can accommodate, but this is only indicative. The recommendation is to permit, subject to an S106 agreement concerning education and affordable housing, and to conditions as set out in the report.
Public speaking
Alice Shield, on behalf of local residents, in objection There has been unanimous objection from local residents and a 48-person petition. Poets Corner was designed in the 1920s, and the impact on the character of the area from having a modern estate placed within the period-style Poets Corner would be huge. The small residential streets are already overloaded with traffic, and will be brought to a state of gridlock. Shelley Road to Princess Elizabeth Way is already extremely congested with nose-to-tail parking in every possible space, and sometimes dangerous queuing on PE Way. Traffic can’t turn right here in front of oncoming traffic, so a potential 100 extra cars will cause utter congestion. Regarding the impact on neighbouring properties, the heavy traffic on PE Way means most cars cut the corner off and use Tennyson Road instead as a shortcut race-track to access virtually all other areas of Cheltenham. New residents would sure do the same, which would be an unreasonable burden for Tennyson Road. Shelley Road enters Tennyson Road at an extremely dangerous bend, which is blind from Tennyson Road meaning vehicles are often in the middle of the road. Tennyson Road is a small residential road but is already carrying main-road quantities of traffic, using the short cut route to avoid Gloucester road. Speed bumps are not working at slowing down the traffic, and the impacting of them actually shakes the infrastructure – doors, windows, mortar around windows, even furniture. These period properties are not designed to withstand this, and the noise of the lorries hitting the bumps is unbearable. Crossing the road is dangerous, due to bends in the road and speeding traffic, and with more cars, deliveries etc. If the plan is approved, residents request that the developers or council pays for 20mph speed restriction and 7.5 tonne weight restriction on Tennyson Road, or some other effective traffic-calming method.
Mark Campbell, agent, in support Is speaking as principle planner at Evans Jones, in support of this outline application for 60 dwellings, with all matters other than access reserved. The ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |
19/01252/FUL Oakfield House Stables, Oakfield House PDF 315 KB Additional documents:
Officer introduction DO introduced the application for demolition of existing structures and replacement with a self-build dwelling, at Committee because there has been an objection from the Civic Society. The site is accessed from Greenway Lane, with the access lane serving two existing properties and a public right of way to the east, and has several small farm buildings in state of disrepair. The proposed two-storey dwelling will be orientated to the east, with a modest second storey, reduced in size from the original submission following comments from the landscape architect; the upper floor is smaller than the ground floor. The site is situated towards the bottom of the valley, and its low position will minimise the impact on the AONB. It will be constructed from stone and timber, cladding and render, with a green roof, and a number of conditions are included. The key issues are the AONB, impact on neighbours, and biodiversity (bats and badgers), with the recommendation to approve subject to conditions.
Public Speaking Mrs Wronska, on behalf of neighbours, in objection Is deeply connected to this beautiful countryside, coming here as a five-year-old child, and raising her children here. A quote on the CBC website states that the council’s preferred approach to future development will be founded on impartial, independent consultants’ reviews, and was initially informed that consideration of the application would be largely guided by landscape consultant’s expert report. Stuart Ryder’s report on the LVIA is an excellent assessment, impartial, thorough, articulate, detailed and dispassionate - agrees whole-heartedly with his views. Some key points are that the site is outside the PUA and entirely in the AONB, not on its boundaries as suggested. The proposed building is not appropriate in this semi-rural setting, and a domestic residence will alter its entire character – it is too large, too modern, and not in keeping. It will not enhance, but rather have an adverse effect on the landscape, and users of the footpath will be very affected. Adverse effects include loss of openness and a change to the landscape character. Both the landscape and the visual change in the local area conflict with JCS Policy SD7, neither conserving or enhancing the nationally designated beauty of the area. It is also at odds with the Cotswolds AONB Management Plan 2018-23, and may set a precedent for further attempts to develop in this lovely rural location, Arguably, reconstruction of the stables or demolition and restoration of grass would more readily enhance the site. On a personal note, the proposed dwelling will be visible from all the downstairs living areas, as well as upstairs, not just the upstairs as suggested and will neither enhance or be the rural AONB view as it has been for many years. Has felt compelled to speak as together with neighbours and friends is passionate to maintain the integrity of this lovely area.
Becky Brown, agent, in support Members have heard in the officer’s presentation, that the principle of development here is acceptable – ... view the full minutes text for item 16. |
19/01526/FUL Byways, Swindon Lane PDF 237 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Officer introduction VH introduced the application to build a single detached dwelling in the garden of an existing house, following demolition of the garage. The site is in the greenbelt, on the north of Swindon Lane (the south side is not). It is at committee at the request of Councillor Fisher. The new dwelling is part 2-storey, part 3-storey, and will have three bedrooms, with white render and fibre cement slates. The key considerations are set out in the officer report – impact on the greenbelt, design, impact on neighbouring amenity – and the recommendation is to refuse.
Public Speaking Russell Ranford, agent, in support The application presented tonight is resubmission following withdrawal of a previous scheme, which was considered inappropriate in design and scale, making it overbearing. The applicants are the two daughters of owners of the house, who have gifted them the land to help them onto the first step of the housing ladder. The proposal respects the architectural style of adjacent properties, is subservient, utilises levels, with a lower ground floor below the existing garden, and the first floor equivalent to an extension over the existing garage. As the applicants already live at the address, there will be no extra vehicles accessing the site. There will be 3.5m between the new house and neighbouring Wayside, which exceeds the gaps between the majority of properties on the northern side of Swindon Lane. The comments about reduction in light to the neighbouring property are misleading. The application site may be in the greenbelt, but it is an urban area, surrounded on all sides by residential properties – the intention of greenbelt designation was not to protect this type of site. It will not cause neighbouring towns to meet, not be overriding the special character, or harming any historic setting. It is an infill application in an acceptable location, in line with Policy GE1 of the Local Plan. As discussed with the previous applications tonight, there is no five-year land supply, and cannot see that the harm of this proposal would outweigh the benefits in this sustainable location. Requests that Members give it their approval.
Member debate BF: has been told that the proposal fails the light test, but what is there now – taking into account tall shrubs on the Wayside side, taller than the eaves, and the fence - already affects the light to the bedroom.
SW: agrees with BF. The proposed dwelling is single storey at the back, dropping down, and only a little taller than the current decking, and lower than the threshold of the building next door, so cannot see there will be any greater impact. The two-storey part at the front will be taller but also a lot narrower. Regarding the design, it is in the greenbelt, but the agent made every argument – there is building all around and the whole principle of the greenbelt is lost on this development. Is struggling to think of a reasonable reason to refuse. Initially thought no, ... view the full minutes text for item 17. |
19/01587/FUL Holmlea Farm, Springbank Road PDF 110 KB Minutes: Officer introduction DO introduced the application to regularise the car park for fixed period of two years. CBC owns the site, which falls within the land acquired for the West Cheltenham development. The site provides 45 car-parking spaces for government offices, and has been used informally for eight years without consent. Consultation has resulted in zero objections, and the recommendation is to approve.
Member debate SW: thanks to officers for recommending approval for this. The day the car park closed, was inundated with complaints about parked vehicles in the surrounding streets – the situation is already bad, but closure of this car park makes it impossible on Springbank Way and Fiddlers Green Lane is a nightmare. Re-opening the car park will help
Vote on officer recommendation to permit 14 in support - unanimous PERMIT
Any other items the Chairman determines urgent and requires a decision |