Agenda and minutes

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Contact: Claire Morris  01242 264130


No. Item




There were none.


Declarations of Interest


There were none.


Declarations of independent site visits


Those Members who attended planning view visited the site.


Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 262 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 16th February 2023.

Additional documents:


Were approved with several amendments bought to the committees attention by Councillor Nelson.


Planning Applications


20/00759/FUL Elms Park, Tewkesbury Road, Cheltenham pdf icon PDF 988 KB

Additional documents:


The Planning Officer introduced the report as published.


The agent on behalf of the applicant was then asked to address the committee and made the following points:

  • He thanked the officers for their support and assistance throughout the application process.
  • Persimmon homes is a five star home builder.
  • This is the first phase of the new Cheltenham development.
  • One of the key priorities in the Corporate Plan is 93 new homes , this site will have apartments and houses many for specifically first time buyers.
  • The properties will be energy efficient, there will be no gas supply to the estate and there will be solar panels on most of the properties.
  • There will be the incorporation of drainage systems to emulate farmland.
  • There will also be public footpaths incorporated into the estate.
  • The will be approximately 80 new jobs and 5 apprenticeships created during construction.



The matter then went to Member questions. The responses to them were as follows:

  • First time buyers wishing to purchase one of the homes will be vetted to ensure that they are first time buyers and if the house is resold it will be to a first time buyer.
  • There will be solar panels on the roofs of all the properties. The suggested  condition states that the dwellings shall  not be occupied until the solar panels are installed for each dwelling and  subject to details which will have first been approved in writing by the local planning authority.. At this point the agent clarified that each building will have the solar panels but not each dwelling as this is not possible for the blocks of flats.
  • The 20mph speed limit on the estate roads will be subject to a 106 obligation not a condition.
  • The Highways Officer confirmed that there is no formula when determining whether a road will be a primary entrance or exit. In the past the material factors considered would be things like highway maintenance and emergency access. Tewkesbury Road will be the main access serving the wider Elms Park development and Manor Road is proposed to be the secondary access for Elms Park. The developers may bring in more access via Tewkesbury Road.
  • Gloucestershire County Council have requested funding to assist with secondary school places and have made assurances that there is capacity in catchment area primary schools.
  • The proposal is close to local services and bus routes.
  • There will be no gas supply serving the site, it will all be electric with air source heat pumps and electric vehicle charging points for all dwellings/buildings.
  • The timeline for the new school being built will depend on the timeframe for the Elms Park planning application being approved and built out but the Swindon Farm proposal  is not reliant on the new school being provided, since required school places are being funded through this application.
  • With reference to wheelchair accessible properties the agent confirmed that aside from the flats the houses will all be wheelchair accessible/compatible. The Council’s housing enabling officer is happy  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Appeal Update pdf icon PDF 257 KB

For information/discussion

Additional documents:


Noted for information.


Any other items the Chairman determines urgent and requires a decision


There were none.