Issue - meetings

Report of the Dog Fouling Scrutiny Task Group

Meeting: 15/04/2014 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Report of the Dog Fouling Scrutiny Task Group pdf icon PDF 516 KB

Councillor Penny Hall, Chair of the Scrutiny Task Group will present its report to Cabinet. The Cabinet Member Housing and Safety will then present his report setting out his response to the recommendations.

Additional documents:




1.      The recommendations of the Scrutiny Task Group Report as laid down in paragraph 5.3 of the scrutiny report, and taking into account the officer comments in Appendix 2, subject to the service planning and delivery requirements of the commissioning review on the new Environmental and Regulatory Services Division be approved;


2.      It be noted that O&S have scheduled a review of the implementation of the recommendations in 12 months time.



Councillor Penny Hall, Chair of the Dog Fouling Scrutiny Task Group, was invited to address the Cabinet. She briefly gave the background to the review and outlined the work and visits the group had undertaken. She paid tribute to the commitment of those involved, both officers and members. She gave particular thanks to Bev Thomas, Democracy Officer, who had facilitated the work of the group.


On behalf of the Cabinet, the Cabinet Member Housing and Safety thanked the Chair of the Scrutiny Task Group for its report and said that dog fouling was an issue that affected every ward in the town. He highlighted the partnership working which officers were involved in and many of the recommendations would be picked up through this work. He was pleased to take on board all of the recommendations of the group, subject to the service planning and delivery requirements of the commissioning review on the new Environmental and Regulatory Services Division. Cabinet Members also welcomed the report and recognised that whilst this affected all areas there were particular hotspot areas in the town.


Finally, the Chair of the Dog Fouling Scrutiny Task Group thanked Cabinet for its enthusiastic support of the recommendations. She reiterated that it was only a small number of dog owners who were irresponsible but highlighted the dangers that this could cause. She also emphasised that the scrutiny task group, which was cross-party, had demonstrated that scrutiny can work well.




1.      The recommendations of the Scrutiny Task Group Report as laid down in paragraph 5.3 of the scrutiny report, and taking into account the officer comments in Appendix 2, subject to the service planning and delivery requirements of the commissioning review on the new Environmental and Regulatory Services Division be approved;


2.      It be noted that O&S have scheduled a review of the implementation of the recommendations in 12 months time.