Issue - meetings

Corporate Advertising & Sponsorship

Meeting: 17/07/2012 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Corporate Advertising & Sponsorship pdf icon PDF 147 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member Built Environment


Resolved that


  1. The introduction of the proposed Advertising & Sponsorship policy and procedure be approved. All sponsorship and advertising must fall within the policy.


  1. At the next budget setting meeting, full Council resolves that additional funding from advertising and sponsorship opportunities, over and above existing arrangements currently in place within service areas, will have a maximum of 50% of the funds reinvested into the assets being used with the balance held for central distribution through the budget setting process to reduce the council’s net cost of service, unless a specific corporate decision is made to reinvest a higher percentage.   Funding already received from current advertising and sponsorship arrangements will remain within service areas.



  1. A list of council assets that are appropriate for advertising and sponsorship opportunities be developed by the Advertising & Sponsorship Task Group and presented to the Cabinet Member for Built Environment for approval.


  1. Authority be delegated to the Director of Resources to tender for and select a specialist marketing agency to source and generate sponsorship opportunities for the council for a period of three to five years, to include options for review should there be under-performance in terms of delivery of the contract.


The Cabinet Member Built Environment introduced the report and explained that to date the Council had only an ad hoc approach to corporate sponsorship and advertising. He stated that a more structured, committed and commercial approach would provide the Council with a  means to raise revenue and ensure the maximum use of its assets. He made reference to appendix 2 which detailed the current advertising and sponsorship arrangements across the Council. The proposal now was to appoint a specialist marketing company to assist the council in maximising its revenue which could result in the council generating extra funds to provide a better service and contribute to its overall financial position. This would be a 3-5 year agreement with ongoing monitoring of the contract.


The Cabinet Member Sustainability referred to the current roundabout sponsorship where the funds raised only covered roundabout maintenance but contributed to enhancing the town. He urged for caution in categorising things to much in future. In response the Cabinet Member Built Environment explained that existing arrangements would be maintained but the policy was to maximise income, generate greater sums for those assets and expand the assets involved.


Members welcomed the proposal.


Resolved that


  1. The introduction of the proposed Advertising & Sponsorship policy and procedure be approved. All sponsorship and advertising must fall within the policy.


  1. At the next budget setting meeting, full Council resolves that additional funding from advertising and sponsorship opportunities, over and above existing arrangements currently in place within service areas, will have a maximum of 50% of the funds reinvested into the assets being used with the balance held for central distribution through the budget setting process to reduce the council’s net cost of service, unless a specific corporate decision is made to reinvest a higher percentage.   Funding already received from current advertising and sponsorship arrangements will remain within service areas.



  1. A list of council assets that are appropriate for advertising and sponsorship opportunities be developed by the Advertising & Sponsorship Task Group and presented to the Cabinet Member for Built Environment for approval.


  1. Authority be delegated to the Director of Resources to tender for and select a specialist marketing agency to source and generate sponsorship opportunities for the council for a period of three to five years, to include options for review should there be under-performance in terms of delivery of the contract.