Issue - meetings

Corporate Risk Register

Meeting: 07/03/2011 - Economy and Business Improvement Overview and Scrutiny Committee-dissolved (Item 9)

9 Corporate Risk Register pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (15 mins)

Additional documents:


The Assistant Chief Executive introduced the report which had been circulated with the agenda. The council had acknowledged that members need to be aware of the corporate risks which may impact on the council and the decisions it takes. 


At their last meeting the committee had requested that the corporate register should in future highlight exceptions and provide more focus on the risks where the mitigating actions are below target. The format of risk register had been amended in line with this request and agreed by Senior Management Team on the 4th January 2011.

The risk register had been updated by the Senior Leadership Team in January and set out progress against mitigating actions. Members were asked to consider the document before it went to Cabinet on 15 March 2011 and identify any additional risks or actions to be brought to Cabinet’s attention.



  1. The Corporate Risk Register be noted.