Issue - meetings

Montpellier Lodge - proposed disposal

Meeting: 26/07/2011 - Cabinet (Item 16)

16 Montpellier Lodge - proposed disposal pdf icon PDF 78 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member Built Environment

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Resolved that after considering all the relevant objections received:

1        The freehold of Montpellier Lodge should be disposed to the preferred purchaser as identified in Appendix 2, (Exempt information not for publication by virtue of paragraph 3, part (1), schedule (12A) Local Government Act 1972), subject to that purchaser obtaining all necessary planning and licensing consents.

2        Authority be delegated to the Head of Property and Asset Management in consultation with the Head of Legal Services, to agree the terms of the disposal to the preferred purchaser and conclude the sale.

3        In the event of a sale not proceeding to the preferred purchaser,  authority be delegated to the Head of Property and Asset Management in consultation with the head of Legal Services to negotiate with the under bidders and conclude a sale.

4        To repay to the Heritage Lottery Fund the grant funding attributable to monies spent on the subject premises in 2004,  if requested to do so by the Trustees of the Fund


The Cabinet Member Built Environment introduced the report regarding the proposed disposal of the freehold interest on Montpellier Lodge in Montpellier Gardens. Prior to any decision being made on the bids received, consideration must first be given by Cabinet to all written objections to the proposed disposal of the premises. This is due to the property being situated on land classed as public open space. The objections received were set out in the report.

He explained that the Asset Management Working Group had given the matter careful consideration. The best bid was for a bistro type restaurant. There would be a capital receipt from the sale as well as savings on future maintenance costs. Although it was sad to be losing the building, he considered it was far better to find a potential owner with an intended usage which would give the building a new lease of life.

Referring to the objections received, these had been looked at carefully. The consultation had been primarily concerned with the loss of public open space and therefore some of the objections raised had not been relevant. He understood why some people were keen to retain the building in the public sector but in his view this proposal would give the building a better future rather than lying empty.

The Leader added that although the building was technically part of the park, it had always been a park keeper’s cottage.

RESOLVED that after considering all the relevant objections received:

1        The freehold of Montpellier Lodge should be disposed to the preferred purchaser as identified in Appendix 2, (Exempt information not for publication by virtue of paragraph 3, part (1), schedule (12A) Local Government Act 1972), subject to that purchaser obtaining all necessary planning and licensing consents.

2        Authority be delegated to the Head of Property and Asset Management in consultation with the Head of Legal Services, to agree the terms of the disposal to the preferred purchaser and conclude the sale.

3        In the event of a sale not proceeding to the preferred purchaser,  authority be delegated to the Head of Property and Asset Management in consultation with the head of Legal Services to negotiate with the under bidders and conclude a sale.

4        To repay to the Heritage Lottery Fund the grant funding attributable to monies spent on the subject premises in 2004,  if requested to do so by the Trustees of the Fund