Issue - meetings
Award of rent support grant to voluntary sector organisations
Meeting: 05/12/2023 - Cabinet (Item 8)
8 Award of rent support grant to voluntary sector organisations PDF 270 KB
Report of Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets, Councillor Peter Jeffries
Additional documents:
- Appendix 2 - Climate Impact Assessment Tool, item 8
PDF 416 KB
- Appendix 3 - Rent Support Assessment, 1st Hatherley Scouts, item 8
PDF 236 KB
- Appendix 4 - Rent Support Assessment, Citizens Advice, item 8
PDF 269 KB
1. the following rent support grant be agreed :
Applicant: 1st Hatherley Scouts, Scout Headquarters, Penrith Rd
Recommended rent support grant: A rent support grant of 64% of the current market rent
Applicant: North & West Gloucestershire Citizens Advice, Room B13 and B14, Municipal Offices
Recommended rent support grant: A rent support grant of 64% of the current market rent
2. authority be delegated to the Participation and Engagement Team Leader, in consultation with the Director: One Legal to agree the terms of a rent support grant agreement with the applicant.
The Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets introduced his report, which details rent support applications from 1st Hatherley Scouts in Penrith Road and North and West Gloucestershire Citizens Advice (now tenants in the basement of the Municipal Offices). He said the rent support grant scheme enables the council to support the viability of the voluntary and community sector organisations renting our properties and the benefits they provide to Cheltenham’s social and economic wellbeing.
He went on to say that in order to qualify for rent support, organisations must demonstrate how their use of the property contributes to the council’s agreed corporate priorities. Each application is assessed in terms of their contribution to four criteria - the environment, the economy and cultural vitality, safe and strong communities, and strengthening the emotional and physical wellbeing of residents – and the amount of subsidy recommended relates to the degree to which the applicant meets each of the criteria.
In commending the report to the Cabinet, he highlighted how much the voluntary and community sector does in support of the wellbeing of the town, and said it is a privilege to offer rent support grants to organisations that occupy council buildings.
The Cabinet Member for Housing thanked the Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets for bringing the report, saying she was particularly pleased that the council was supporting Citizens’ Advice Bureau, who do so much for residents all across Cheltenham, including benefit and money advice and help with home efficiency grants. She expressed her appreciation for all the work they do.
The Leader echoed the comments of the Cabinet Member for Finance, aware of the vast amount of work volunteer groups do in Cheltenham, helping to make it a special place to live.
1. the following rent support grant be agreed :
Applicant: 1st Hatherley Scouts, Scout Headquarters, Penrith Rd
Recommended rent support grant: A rent support grant of 64% of the current market rent
Applicant: North & West Gloucestershire Citizens Advice, Room B13 and B14, Municipal Offices
Recommended rent support grant: A rent support grant of 64% of the current market rent
2. authority be delegated to the Participation and Engagement Team Leader, in consultation with the Director: One Legal to agree the terms of a rent support grant agreement with the applicant.