Issue - meetings
Council Tax Support Scheme 2024-25
Meeting: 11/12/2023 - Council (Item 12)
12 Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2024-25 PDF 453 KB
Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets
Additional documents:
- Local_Council_Tax_Support_Scheme_2024_2025_Appendix_2_Community_Impact_Assessment, item 12
PDF 444 KB
- Local_Council_Tax_Support_Scheme_2024_2025_Appendix_3_Consultation, item 12
PDF 475 KB
- Full Council Tax Support scheme for working age customers 2024-25, item 12
PDF 771 KB
- Local_Council_Tax_Support_Scheme_2024_2025_Appendix_5_Summary, item 12
PDF 425 KB
The Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets told Members that each year since 2013, the council has been required to set a Local Council Tax Support Scheme (LCTSS) for working-age residents (support for pensioners is not localised and continues to be provided for by a lateral scheme). He said funding for the scheme used to be rolled into the revenue support grant which was subject to annual cuts, but as the council no longer receives that grant, it adopted and approved a new scheme in 2019-20, with the main aim of ensuring that the most vulnerable and those with the lowest incomes continue to receive 100% support. From 01 April 2024, the proposed LCTSS for working age residents will continue to be based on those five income bands, as summarised at Appendix 5.
He said many residents are still struggling with the cost of living crisis and having to spend a disproportionate amount of their income on food. This scheme will provide vital help for the most financially vulnerable residents, with approximately 4483 residents eligible, equating to just under £4.3m worth of support at October 2023.
He trusted that colleagues would support the recommendations, noting that Recommendation 2 sets out delegated authority to adjust the scheme as necessary when the government introduces any welfare changes, and finished by thanking officers in Revenues and Benefits for the extraordinary amount of work they do in supporting residents of our town.
In response to a Member’s question about how the council calculates who is eligible for council tax support, the Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets said that everyone receives a council tax bill, and it is at that point that anyone in need of support can contact the council. The number of people claiming support fluctuates, which can be tricky when calculating the budget.
In debate, the following points were made by Members:
- it is great that CBC is one of the few councils using this mechanism to support the most vulnerable;
- the conservative group will continue to support this scheme.
The Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets agreed, saying that support of vulnerable residents is key and our policy in Cheltenham is having an impact across the county with other districts looking to follow our lead.
1. the Local Council Tax Support Scheme 2024/25 for working age customers in Appendix 4 and summarised in Appendix 5 is approved;
2. authority is delegated to the Executive Director for Finance Assets and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member Finance and Assets to uprate any premiums, allowances and determine the income levels in line with any increase in Welfare Benefits by 23 February 2024