Issue - meetings
St Peters Playing Field - Grant of New Lease to Cheltenham Saracens AFC
Meeting: 30/11/2021 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 St Peters Playing Field - Grant of New Lease to Cheltenham Saracens AFC PDF 336 KB
Report of the Cabinet Member Finance and Assets
Additional documents:
- 2021_11_30_St Peter’s Playing Field_appendix 2a_heads of terms, item 6
PDF 260 KB
- 2021_11_30_St Peter’s Playing Field_appendix 2b_heads of terms, item 6
1. The Saracens’ proposals for the improvement of the sports and community facilities at St Peters Recreation Ground be approved;
2. Officers be authorised to advertise the proposed disposal of public open space at St Peters Recreation Ground and instructs the officers to report back to the Cabinet with any objections that may be received;
3. The surrender and grant of a new lease to the Saracens for 25 years at £4,000 per annum as set out in Appendix 2 be approved, provided that no objections are received to the proposal to dispose of public open space.
The Cabinet Member Finance and Assets presented the report, which related to the disposal of land at St Peters Playing Field. He emphasised the key reasons for granting the lease: not only would it enable the Saracens to apply for financial support, but it would also encourage regeneration of the property. He also stressed the importance of the club as a community organisation that played a valuable role in the town alongside its partners.
The Cabinet Member Housing thanked the Cabinet Member and officers for their work on the report, and highlighted the social value of sport as a way to provide positive role models and a genuine community hub.
The Cabinet Member Culture, Wellbeing and Business added that this area of St Peters was in need of regeneration, and the club needed a proper home of its own. The lease would enable it to be a huge asset to both the club and the wider community.
The Cabinet Member Safety and Communities stressed the importance of bringing the community together by providing a hub for people to congregate around. It would keep young people out of harm’s way and help them to build friendships while growing as people. She praised the work of the Big Local in making this happen.
The Cabinet Member Finance and Assets thanked colleagues for their contributions, emphasising that it was part of the council’s commitment to support its communities. Looked forward to seeing the effects of this in the future.
The Leader moved to the vote, where it was unanimously:
1. The Saracens’ proposals for the improvement of the sports and community facilities at St Peters Recreation Ground be approved;
2. Officers be authorised to advertise the proposed disposal of public open space at St Peters Recreation Ground and instructs the officers to report back to the Cabinet with any objections that may be received;
3. The surrender and grant of a new lease to the Saracens for 25 years at £4,000 per annum as set out in Appendix 2 be approved, provided that no objections are received to the proposal to dispose of public open space.