Issue - meetings

Cabinet Member Briefing

Meeting: 08/11/2010 - Social and Community Overview and Scrutiny Committee-dissolved (Item 6)

Cabinet Member Briefing


Cabinet Member Sport and Culture had given his apologies.


Cabinet Member Housing and Safety started with an update from Cheltenham Borough Homes.  They were in the process of submitting a planning application for the garage sites and works in Brighton Road were progressing well, with the expectation that the site would be cleared by the start of next week (w/c 15 November).  There had been no objections to the St. Pauls proposals and as such it would not be taken to the Planning Committee.


She had attended the Cheltenham Strategic Partnership meeting last Monday and had been particularly interested in some presentations concerning alcohol misuse. A pilot at Cardiff Accident and Emergency, where issues related to alcohol were reported direct to A&E rather than the Police had proved cost effective and a good model. 


At the Gloucestershire Safer and Stronger Partnership meeting, they had debated the future of the partnership, given the plans to merge it with the Criminal Justice Department which would result in a more strategic view. 


The figures relating to Supporting People were still unclear and this was crucial to future plans.  Given the delay, the Partnership Board meeting had been moved from the 12th to the 30th of November. 


She looked forward to being in a position to offer more information at the next meeting of the committee.