Issue - meetings
Interim Budget Proposals for HRA
Meeting: 22/12/2020 - Cabinet (Item 13)
Report of the Cabinet Member Finance and Assets TO FOLLOW
Additional documents:
- 2020_12_22_Housing Revenue Account_appendix 1_risk assessment, item 13 PDF 32 KB
- 2020_12_22_Housing Revenue Account_appendix 2_HRA operating account, item 13 PDF 31 KB
- 2020_12_22_Housing Revenue Account_appendix 3_major repairs reserve and HRA capital programme, item 13 PDF 45 KB
- 2020_12_22_Housing Revenue Account_appendix 4_HRA capital programme, item 13 PDF 23 KB
1. The revised HRA forecast for 2020/21 be noted;
2. The interim HRA budget proposals for 2021/22 (shown at Appendix 2) be approved for consultation, including a proposed rent increase of 1.5% and changes to other rents and charges as detailed within the report;
3. The proposed HRA capital programme for 2021/22, as shown at Appendix 3, be approved;
4. Authority be delegated to the Executive Director Finance and Assets, in consultation with the Cabinet Member Finance and Assets, to determine and approve any additional material that may be needed to support the presentation of the interim budget proposals for consultation;
5. Consultation responses be sought by 29th January 2021.
The Cabinet Member Finance and Assets presented the report, thanking Stafford Cruse (Cheltenham Borough Homes) and CBH in general for their help in drawing it together. Despite some inevitable delays due to Covid, the council’s investment program continued, with the net consequence being an increased surplus of £203k.
Looking forward to 2021/22, he noted that the rent rise was proposed at 1.5%, which was less than expected due to relatively low inflation. He emphasised that £9m was being invested in existing properties, including improving heating, fire protection and disability adaptations, while £15m was allocated towards new builds.
He added that the consultation process would get underway shortly after the meeting, and would run until the 29th January.
The Cabinet Member Housing praised the officers working behind the scenes. The Cabinet Member Climate and Communities highlighted the climate change section, which focused on retrofitting properties, and said he was pleased to see families moving into new properties in time for Christmas.
The Leader of the Council agreed that the focus on sustainability commitments was a positive, citing the installation of bat boxes and bird boxes as an example of the small things that made a real difference that private developers would not do. She also praised the overall £180m commitment to housebuilding.
The Leader moved to a vote, where it was unanimously:
1. The revised HRA forecast for 2020/21 be noted;
2. The interim HRA budget proposals for 2021/22 (shown at Appendix 2) be approved for consultation, including a proposed rent increase of 1.5% and changes to other rents and charges as detailed within the report;
3. The proposed HRA capital programme for 2021/22, as shown at Appendix 3, be approved;
4. Authority be delegated to the Executive Director Finance and Assets, in consultation with the Cabinet Member Finance and Assets, to determine and approve any additional material that may be needed to support the presentation of the interim budget proposals for consultation;
5. Consultation responses be sought by 29th January 2021.