Issue - meetings

Partition Screens in Licensed Vehicles

Meeting: 07/07/2020 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Partition Screens in Licensed Vehicles pdf icon PDF 327 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member Development and Safety

Additional documents:



1.    The consultation feedback be noted;

2.    The proposed policy attached at Appendix 2 of this report be approved.


The Cabinet Member Development and Safety presented the report.

At the last Cabinet meeting, he had announced that the decision had been made to open consultation on the question of partition screens, the results of which were outlined in the report. He noted that private hire drivers had been hit particularly hard by the Covid-19 crisis, both in terms of their business and their own safety. The council made a firm commitment to protect both drivers and members of the public who use taxis. The report did not make screens mandatory, both because there is no government legislation to do so, and because consultees were predominantly opposed to that. The result would instead be a mixed fleet, in which some vehicles have screens and some do not. He stressed that it would be up to the public to choose to use a vehicle that suits their needs, and there would be no obligation to take the taxi at the front of the rank if it does not.

The Cabinet Member Clean and Green Environment noted his surprise that most consultees had opposed making screens mandatory, considering the health benefits. He hoped that those who did install screens would make it clear to customers.

The Cabinet Member Housing added that confidence was essential, and the safer the public felt, the better.

The Leader moved to a vote, which was carried unanimously.


1.    The consultation feedback be noted;

2.    The proposed policy attached at Appendix 2 of this report be approved.