Issue - meetings

Cheltenham Culture Board

Meeting: 14/05/2019 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Implementing Cheltenham's place vision (1) -The development of a cultural strategy for Cheltenham pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member Healthy Lifestyles

Additional documents:




1.    the council works with the Cheltenham Culture Board to develop a cultural strategy in line with the mandate attached at appendix 2 for future adoption by the council. The draft strategy will be brought to Cabinet for agreement.


2.    the procurement of external support be carried out for the development of the cultural strategy in line with the attached brief at appendix 3 noting that the award of the contract will be carried out by the Executive Director for People and Change in accordance with the council’s scheme of delegation of functions.


3.    £35k be committed as an initial commitment towards funding the cultural strategy for Cheltenham.


The Cabinet Member Healthy Lifestyles introduced the report and said that there was a growing body of evidence that culture was central to the growth of any town. The council now wished to ensure that in Cheltenham that potential was captured and has supported the creation of a culture board for Cheltenham. Its purpose was to collaboratively define and deliver cultural impact; positioning Cheltenham’s cultural offer further locally, regionally, nationally and internationally; therefore engaging diverse audiences and developing the cultural offer with ambition and conviction. The scope would also include a consideration of the opportunity that sport could provide in taking forward this purpose.

The Cabinet Member reported that the Cheltenham Culture Board now wished to support the development of a cultural strategy for Cheltenham and the report set out the purpose of having this strategy and a number of recommendations to facilitate its development.


The Leader highlighted that culture was a key part of the economic growth of the town and welcomed the proposals.




1.    the council works with the Cheltenham Culture Board to develop a cultural strategy in line with the mandate attached as appendix 2 for future adoption by the council. The draft strategy will be brought to Cabinet for agreement.


2.    the council carries out the procurement of external support for the development of the cultural strategy in line with the attached brief attached as appendix 3 noting that the award of the contract will be carried out by the Executive Director for People and Change in accordance with the council’s scheme of delegation of functions.


3.    the council commits £35k as an initial commitment towards funding the cultural strategy for Cheltenham.