Issue - meetings

Disposal of Cemetery Lodge

Meeting: 14/06/2016 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Cemetery Lodge pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member Finance

Additional documents:



1.    Authority be delegated to the Head of Property and Asset Management in consultation with the Cabinet Member Finance to accept an offer which, in his opinion and following advice from the marketing agents, represents best consideration in respect of the property, and upon such other terms as he considers necessary or desirable to protect the council’s interests;

2.    The Borough Solicitor be authorised to conclude such documents reflecting the agreement reached by the Head of Property and Asset Management as she considers appropriate;


3.    The sale proceeds from the cemetery lodge be ring-fenced to finance the building of the new crematorium within the agreed budget allocated by Council.


The Cabinet Member Finance introduced the report and explained that Cemetery Lodge had remained empty for nearly seven years, during which time the structural and internal condition of the building had deteriorated. She said that the building was surplus to operational requirements and the Asset Management Working Group had agreed to the disposal of the property at its meeting in June 2015.A Cabinet Member decision was then taken in November 2015 to effect appropriation to general use. Local estate agents had been instructed to sell the property by informal tender and subsequently instructed to market the property by private treaty at a guide price of £300 000. She reported that offers have been received for the property. The Cabinet Member believed that given the significant interest in the new and improved cemetery and crematorium it seemed appropriate to use the capital receipt to offset that cost. She therefore proposed a third recommendation that Cabinet agree to “ring-fence the sale proceeds from the cemetery lodge which will be used to finance the new build facility within the agreed budget allocated by Council.”

The Cabinet Member Clean and Green Environment emphasised the value of the cemetery and crematorium to the town. He acknowledged that having considered all the options there was no particular use for Cemetery Lodge going forward and therefore it was appropriate to dispose of it although the council would ensure it could control its future use. He welcomed the proposal to ring-fence the sale proceeds to finance the new build.



1.    Authority be delegated to the Head of Property and Asset Management in consultation with the Cabinet Member Finance to accept an offer which, in his opinion and following advice from the marketing agents, represents best consideration in respect of the property, and upon such other terms as he considers necessary or desirable to protect the council’s interests;

2.    The Borough Solicitor be authorised to conclude such documents reflecting the agreement reached by the Head of Property and Asset Management as she considers appropriate;


3.    The sale proceeds from the cemetery lodge be ring-fenced to finance the building of the new crematorium within the agreed budget allocated by Council.