Issue - meetings

Gloucestershire's draft Local Transport Plan Consultation

Meeting: 09/02/2016 - Cabinet (Item 13)

13 Draft Local Transport Plan (LTP) consultation pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Report of the Leader

Additional documents:




Cheltenham Borough Council’s representations to Gloucestershire’s Draft Local Transport Plan (2015 – 2031) be agreed.


The Leader introduced the report which presented Cheltenham Borough Council’s draft response to the Gloucestershire Local Transport Plan (2015-2031) Consultation Document. He highlighted that the period of the plan overlapped with the duration of the JCS and it was important that the LTP reflected the transport infrastructure required to deliver growth in the Joint Core Strategy that was identified through the Joint Core Strategy Transport Modelling evidence.


He emphasised the following points :

·         There were still areas in the LTP which could show further improvements with regards to walking and cycling as highlighted in the findings of the Walking and Cycling Scrutiny Task Group

·         It was disappointing to note that the reference to Parking Boards in a previuos draft had now disappeared. As part of the devolution discussions CBC was keen that there should be a forum where not only parking matters but more general highways issues relating to Cheltenham could be discussed

·         There was concern that whilst the commitment to M5 Junction 10 was supported the timeframe identified in the document did not fit with the strategic economic plan

·         There was a lack of clarity regarding proposed improvements in the Lower High Street and that engagement was sought by CBC with relevant stakeholders to ensure agreed outcomes were achieved.

·         there was a lack of analysis with regard to sustainable transport and concern that Park and Ride would only exist if commercially viable


The Cabinet Member Development and Safety supported the comments raised and highlighted the following :

·         devolution would be a vital mechanism to have more influence on local transport

·         Junction 10 M5-would unlock development potential in and around junction 10 and would ensure growth for the future of the town and its financial viability as well as enhancing the wellbeing of the town and its residents.

·         A cycling and walking strategy was an important initiative which the county should support the borough in achieving.




Cheltenham Borough Council’s representations to Gloucestershire’s Draft Local Transport Plan (2015 – 2031) be agreed.