Issue - meetings

Cycling and Walking Task Group

Meeting: 10/11/2015 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Cycling and Walking Scrutiny Task Group pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Councillor Max Wilkinson, Chair of the Scrutiny Task Group, will present the report.

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The scrutiny report be noted and a detailed report be brought back to Cabinet for consideration in due course.



The Chair of the Scrutiny Task Group Cycling and Walking, Councillor Max Wilkinson introduced the report of the group. He thanked all those who had participated and in particular Jon Mallows of Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Cycling Campaign (C & TCC), Bronwen Thornton of Walk21 and John Newbury of Living Streets.


The Chair of the STG explained that when the report was discussed at the recent Overview and Scrutiny Committee the following reservations had been expressed :


1.    Cycle Helmets : The STG report had outlined the argument for ‘no helmets’ which was a view that was held strongly by cycling groups, in an effort to normalise cycling and make it a more attractive proposition to a broader range of people. The task group were not suggesting that cyclists should be advised not to wear helmets but rather that any promotional images should feature cyclists without helmets rather than presenting a stereotypical image of cyclists wearing helmets and hi-vis clothing. Members of Overview and Scrutiny were apprehensive about cyclists being encouraged not to wear a helmet although the Chair of the STG had reminded members that the group was not encouraging cyclists not to wear a helmet, the issue was restricted to presentation of cycling in promotional materials rather than advice.

2.    The STG report outlined how evidence suggested that lower speed limits reduced congestion and it was a fact that the impact of a collision at 20mph was far reduced than a collision at 30mph. The recommendation of the task group was that an assessment of the appetite for a 20mph limit across the town should be sought from residents and advice from Officers had been that it was far easier to apply for a Traffic Regulation Order for a default 20mph limit and then exclude main routes from it, rather than to apply for a number of smaller areas. This recommendation was a concern for members of Overview and Scrutiny in terms of the cost associated with the TRO however the committee had acknowledged that there were areas in Cheltenham that would welcome and benefit from a 20mph speed limit.

3.    All members of the task group agreed that it was not ideal for cyclists and pedestrians to share footpaths but opinion was split about whether cyclists should be permitted on the Promenade and High Street in Cheltenham. Members of Overview and Scrutiny were uneasy that cycling should be permitted on the Promenade and High Street. These two areas were the main thoroughfare for shoppers and increased footfall was an ambition which seemed in conflict with allowing cycling throughout.


The Chair of the STG said that in terms of walking in the borough guard rails could be removed to encourage the free movement of pedestrians and there had been no evidence that these had health and safety benefits.


In summing up the Chair of the STG felt that the recommendations could potentially improve air quality within the borough and reduce congestion. He referred to the Cheltenham and Tewkesbury Cycle Campaign  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6