Issue - meetings

Health and Safety Delivery Plan

Meeting: 14/07/2015 - Cabinet (Item 12)

12 Health and Safety Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member Development and Safety

Additional documents:




1.     the Health and Safety Delivery Plan 2015-18 be approved.


2.     the move to a three-yearly service plan, with an annual performance briefing note to Members, be approved.


The Cabinet Member introduced the report and explained that the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 required the Council to produce a Health and Safety Service Plan. This represented the Council’s expression of commitment to the delivery of an improving cost effective and efficient regulatory service.


The Cabinet Member explained that the service plan was currently an annual plan detailing how Cheltenham was going to undertake its statutory health and safety regulatory functions. It was proposed that this service plan became a three year plan, with an annual performance and workplan refresh to be communicated to Members and the Senior Leadership Team via a briefing note each year.


Members supported this approach.




1.    the Health and Safety Delivery Plan 2015-18 be approved.


2.    the move to a three-yearly service plan, with an annual performance briefing note to Members, be approved.