Decision details

To agree a Local Lettings Plan to cover first lets and all subsequent lets of all properties within the Moors estate in Cheltenham,

Decision Maker: Deputy Chief Executive (Section 151 Officer) - Paul Jones

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To agree a Local Lettings Plan to cover first lets and all subsequent lets of all properties within the Moors estate in Cheltenham, as listed in Appendix 1, for an initial 12-month period (until 30th June 2025), to be reviewed by Cheltenham Borough Council (CBC) officers in March 2025.

Reasons for the decision:

This decision gives CBC the authority to introduce, enforce and monitor a Local Lettings Plan which covers all properties within the Moors Cheltenham. This decision has been taken to address OCG (Organized Criminal Gang) activity arising from this area in conjunction with key
statutory agencies as an important part of the Home Office's `Clear, Hold, Build' initiative. The Local Lettings Plan will help to ensure that the Moor's estate remains safe and stable, thereby preventing OCG members or persons with OCG links from relocating back into the area.
This local lettings plan will therefore support community cohesion and resident wellbeing and meet the Council's key objective, outlined within the 2023-2028 Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, namely- `investing in our communities to make them stronger and
healthier'. Additionally, introducing a local lettings plan in this location will also meet one of the crucial sections of Key Priority 3 within the Cheltenham 2023-2027 Corporate Plan, namely `supporting and enabling resilient communities' and improving `tenant, resident and community
Please note this Local Lettings Plan will be reviewed by key CBC officers in March 2025 following Officer sign-off to determine whether an extension to or amendment of the Local Lettings Plan is appropriate. If, for any reason, the Local Lettings Plan is not functioning as
intended, the Council will have the ability to review the Local Lettings Plan, within 12 months of the approved officer decision date. This Local Lettings Plan will automatically expire on 30th
June 2025 in the event that relevant CBC officers do not seek a review or extension of this Local Lettings Plan during March 2025.

Alternative options considered:

An alternative option considered was not proceeding with setting up a Local Lettings Plan. However, in view of the longstanding OCG activity and anti-social behaviour arising from this
area and the LLP's important role in supporting Home Office's `Clear, Hold, Build', it was determined that pursing this option would be inappropriate and detrimental to community cohesion. The Council recognises the importance of implementing an LLP alongside multiagency working arrangements and activities to tackle criminal behaviour and improve community resilience. As such, any decision to not set up a Local Lettings Plan would be contrary to CBC's key corporate objectives and the ongoing multi-agency partnership to support
community growth on this estate.

Declarations: none

Other reasons / organisations consulted

The accompanying Local Lettings Plan has been agreed in conjunction with key CBC and CBH officers, informed by evidence gathered through extensive multi-agency working and evidence gathering with assistance from key partners. Of particular note, the Gold Group (a multi-agency
community engagement group including senior officers from Cheltenham Borough Council) have emphasised the importance of ensuring that the LLP covers the entire Moors' estate- and, accordingly, the Local Lettings Plan has been amended to include all addresses within the
Moors Estate, as covered in Appendix 1 (found at the bottom of the LLP). CBC's Director of Governance and Corporate Services, (acting chair of the Gold Group) was consulted and has
subsequently signed off the proposed LLP. No additional feedback was received from CBH or CBC officers regarding the proposed Local Lettings Plan. Following sign-off by the Gold Group and CBC and CBH officers, the proposed Local Lettings Plan was circulated to the Cabinet
Member for Housing, who indicated her support for the proposed Local Lettings Plan.

Contact: Martin Stacy, Housing Strategy and Partnerships Manager Email: [email protected].

Publication date: 01/07/2024

Date of decision: 27/06/2024

Accompanying Documents: