Decision details
Freehold/Head Leasehold Investment Disposal - Regent Arcade
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To consider the recommendations.
i. authority is delegated to the Executive Director for Finance, Assets & Regeneration, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and CabinetMember for Finance & Assets, to dispose of the freehold and head leasehold interests in Regent Arcade Shopping Centre for best consideration and upon such other terms as are deemed appropriate;
ii. the Executive Director for Finance, Assets & Regeneration is authorised, in consultation with Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance & Assets and the Director of One Legal, to prepare and conclude the necessary legal documentation to reflect the terms negotiated.
Contact: Gemma Bell, Director of Finance and Assets and Deputy S151 Officer Email: [email protected].
Publication date: 22/09/2023
Date of decision: 19/09/2023
Decided at meeting: 19/09/2023 - Cabinet
Effective from: 30/09/2023
Accompanying Documents:
- Regent Arcade - officer report
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