Decision details
To submit a bid to the Levelling-up fund as part of round 2 of the Governments Levelling-Up programmes
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To submit a bid to the Levelling-up fund for the value of £20m as part of round 2 of the Government’s Levelling-Up programme
Reasons for the decision:
So that the Council is able to submit a levelling-up bid of £20m to enable the delivery of the National Cyber Innovation Centre (NCIC), supporting the Government’s vision for it to be a ‘truly international centre of innovation’ as part of the first phase of the Golden Valley Development (GVD).
Alternative options considered:
The option not to bid or bid for an alternative project were considered. It was clear that the delivery of the National Cyber Innovation Centre will be able to deliver a greater range of outputs in terms of potential jobs, growth and investment, also being located adjacent to some of Gloucestershire’s most deprived neighbourhoods. It is a commitment of the government to increase support for the delivery of the NCIC by GVD and CBC.
Wards Affected: (All Wards);
Other reasons / organisations consulted
It was agreed that the Managing Director of Place & Growth be authorised to proceed with the submission of the bid.
Cabinet Member for Cyber, Regeneration and Commercial Income and the Executive Director of Finance, Assets and Regeneration.
Contact: Tim Atkins, Managing Director Place and Growth 01242 264103 Email: [email protected].
Publication date: 01/08/2022
Date of decision: 01/08/2022