Decision details

General Fund Revenue and Capital - Revised Budget 2015/16, and Final Budget Proposals 2016/17

Decision status: Deleted

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve the recommendations


RESOLVED THAT it be recommended to Council that :

1.    the revised budget for 2015/16 be noted and the recommendation of the Section 151 Officer to transfer the identified saving of £307,900 to the budget strategy (support) reserve as detailed in Section 3.1 be approved.

2.    Having considered the budget assessment by the Section 151 Officer at Appendix 2 the following recommendations be approved :

3.    the final budget proposals including a proposed council tax for the services provided by Cheltenham Borough Council of £192.12 for the year 2016/17 (an increase of 2.67% or £5.00 a year for a Band D property) be approved.

4.    the growth proposals, including one off initiatives at Appendix 4, be approved.

5.    the savings / additional income totalling £780,700 and the budget strategy at Appendix 5 be approved.

6.    the use of reserves and general balances be approved and the projected level of reserves, as detailed at Appendix 6 be noted.

7.    the proposal to abolish charges in council car parks after 6pm as detailed in Section 8 be approved.

8.    a 1% increase in all Member allowances, in line with the proposed increase in staff pay, as detailed in Section 9 be approved.

9.    the local council tax support scheme for 2016/17 as outlined in Section 11, which remains unchanged from 2015/16 other than the annual uprating for non-dependant deductions, be approved.

10.  the proposed capital programme at Appendix 7, as outlined in Section 13 be approved.

11.  the Pay Policy Statement for 2016/17, including the continued payment of a living wage supplement at Appendix 9, be approved.

12.  a level of supplementary estimate of £100,000 for 2016/17 as outlined in Section 18 be approved.

13.  it be noted that the Council will remain in the Gloucestershire business rates pool for 2016/17 (para 4.15).

14.  it be noted that the award of Transition Grant in 2016/17 of £74,460, which when added to the additional £51,557 raised through council tax, results in a reduction in the contribution required from the budget support (strategy) earmarked reserve of £126,018.



Report author: Paul Jones

Publication date: 11/02/2016

Date of decision: 09/02/2016

Decided at meeting: 09/02/2016 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: