Decision details
Grant funding for Community Enforcement Officer
Decision Maker: Director of Governance and Customer Services and Monitoring Officer - Claire Hughes
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
In respect of an offer of £10,000 from
The Gloucestershire Office of the Police and Crime
To authorise the Director of Governance and Customer Services to
agree the funding agreement with the Gloucestershire Office of the
Police and Crime Commissioner whereby a grant payment of
£10,000 will be paid to the Council.
The grant will enable the Council to undertake the recruitment of a
Community Enforcement Officer for the town centre under the Public
Protection team. Working in partnership with Gloucestershire
Constabulary, Cheltenham Safe and Cheltenham BID.
Reasons for the decision:
The Gloucestershire Office of the Police and
Crime Commissioner has been successful in securing ASB Hotspot
funding from the Home Office.
Gloucestershire Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has
agreed that part of this funding can be allocated to the Council to
deliver the following:
Community Enforcement Officer
- To respond, investigate and enforce notices including Fixed
Penalty and Community Protection where applicable.
- Being visible and accountable to the public.
- Sharing relevant intelligence through direct communications or
attending multi-agency meetings. This will include statutory
organisations, support agencies and businesses.
- Working with partners and businesses to find effective joint
solutions and positive outcomes for the public and specifically the
victims of crimes.
Alternative options considered:
Not applicable
Reason Key: Effects two or more Wards (Key);
Declarations: None.
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Through multi agency information sharing and
business feedback, the Community Safety Partnership and ASB Town
Centre forum has prioritised the need for additional resources to
public realm enforcement in the town centre. The officer will work
in a holistic approach with Gloucestershire Police, Cheltenham Safe
and Cheltenham BID, this Community Enforcement Officer under the
CBC Public Protection Team will provide essential support to tackle
ASB and environmental crime in the town centre.
Contact: Richard Gibson, Head of Communities, Wellbeing and Partnerships Email: [email protected].
Publication date: 10/10/2024
Date of decision: 10/10/2024