Decision details
In respect of an offer of £306,065 capital grant funding from the English Sports Council
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Assets and Deputy Section 151 Officer - Gemma Bell
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
In respect of an offer of £306,065
capital grant funding from the English Sports Council, the Director
of Finance & Assets agrees to accept a capital grant with the
English Sports Council whereby a capital grant payment of
£306,065 will be paid to the Council and to sign the capital
grant agreement between the English Sports Council and Cheltenham
Borough Council.
The Director of Finance & Assets agrees to pass the whole
capital grant to Sandford Lido Limited to enable them to install
Photo Voltaic panels and Pool Covers and to sign the grant
adherence agreement between the English Sports Council, Sandford
Lido Limited (as the facility owner) and Cheltenham Borough Council
(as applicant).
Reasons for the decision:
In the 2023, the Government announced the
Swimming Pool Support Fund (SPSF), making available £60
million support for public swimming pool providers.
The funding was distributed in two phases. Phase II allocated
£60 million in capital investment to improve the energy
efficiency of public facilities with pools in the medium to long
The aims of Phase II of the SPSF was to improve the energy
efficiency of public sector swimming pools and in doing so help
alleviate costs pressures and mitigate the risk of closures of
public sector swimming pools and the creation of areas without
accessible public swimming pools.
Specifically, the fund objectives were to:
• Reduce the energy consumption level of facilities in receipt
of funding, compared to baseline, and support the leisure sector to
transition to a position of environmental and financial
• Minimise the closure of swimming pool provision, where
funding has been provided to a site, to prevent gaps in public
leisure provision emerging.
• Reduce the carbon output of facilities in receipt of
funding, compared to baseline, in line with HMG Net Zero by 2050
• Prioritise support in those areas of greatest socio-economic
need (as evidenced by IMD level), where all other factors are
A phase II application was made in October 2023 and the council was
subsequently notified that the application for the Lido was partly
successful with an award of £306,065.
To access the grant and to pass it onto Sandford Parks Lido, the
Sports Council have asked the council to enter into two grant
agreements; the over-arching capital grant agreement, between the
Sports Council as funder and the Council as applicant, and a grant
adherence agreement between the Sports Council as funder, the
Council as applicant and Sandford Parks Lido as facility owner.
Although the Council retains the freehold of the Lido, Sandford
Parks Lido are classed as facility owner as they have a lease in
excess of seven years.
The Sports Council require that the Council enter into Capital
Grant Agreement, together with a Grant Adherence Agreement. The
purpose of the Capital Grant Agreement is to impose grant
conditions on the Council as the applicant of the funding –
an example being that the Council may not dispose of the facility
for the Facility term (15 years) unless prior consent is obtained
from the Sports Council.
The Grant Adherence Agreement is a tri-party agreement which seeks
to impose further obligations on the Facility Owner (which in this
case is Sandford Park Lido as the Leaseholder). In order to ensure
that all relevant obligations are passed onto Sandford Park Lido,
it is the intention to amend this Grant Adherence Agreement or
enter into an additional grant agreement between the Council and
Sandford Park Lido, ensuring that the Council may comply with its
own obligations by further imposing the same onto Sandford Park
Alternative options considered:
Declarations: None
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Contact: Richard Gibson, Head of Communities, Wellbeing and Partnerships Email: [email protected].
Publication date: 13/05/2024
Date of decision: 11/04/2024