Decision details

Appointment of Contractor for the Montpellier Gardens Toilet Refurbishment

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Waste, Recycling and Street Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To appoint Midlands Building and Maintenance Limited to complete the refurbishment of the Montpellier Gardens Public Conveniences.

Reasons for the decision:

Montpellier Gardens toilets are a well-used convenience in the town centre. The current layout of the toilets provides for six female toilets, five male toilets, five urinals and one accessible toilet which is accessed by a radar key. The recently approved Corporate Plan 2023-24 recognises the importance of continued investment in the town centre, particularly following the COVID-19 pandemic and the current cost of living emergency. As an initial response, the 2020/21 budget outturn report set aside £250,000 for green and inclusive economic development and this project was identified as one of the priorities for this funding.
The final concept design was produced in consultation with key stakeholders such as the Disability Forum. The final design increases the provision of Changing Places and disabled access public toilet facilities in the town, improves the existing male, female and family toilets as well as providing two gender neutral toilets.
The tender of the contract for the refurbishment of the toilets, including the provision of a Changing Places facility was undertaken in the Autumn of 2023. There were a number of tender submissions received and the evaluation concluded that Midlands Building and Maintenance Limited was the preferred bid against the criteria set out in the specification.

Alternative options considered:

The Council do not have the capacity or capability to deliver the refurbishment in house. Contracting with a third party is considered the lowest risk option to deliver the project and would provide the best value for money for the Council. The Council could also consider not proceeding with the project however this option is rejected due to the fact that the project is included as part of the 2023-27 Corporate Plan.

Declarations: None

Contact: Gemma Bell, Director of Finance and Assets and Deputy S151 Officer Email: [email protected].

Publication date: 18/03/2024

Date of decision: 01/03/2024