Decision details

'Celebrating Women' arts project

Decision Maker: Director of Community & Economic Development - Tracey Birkinshaw

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To contract with The Wilson Art gallery and Museum for specialist curation and exhibition services for an 8-week socially engaged arts project, ‘Celebrating Women', as part of S106-funded Public Art.

Reasons for the decision:

The council is required to spend already committed S106 funding for the delivery of public art.  To enable the council to deliver a socially engaged ‘Celebrating Women’ arts project, it is necessary to enter into a contract with The Wilson Art Gallery & Museum to provide specialist curation and exhibition services.  A waiver for procurement of these services has been agreed. 

Alternative options considered:

By contracting with a specialist third party, the council is able to maximise the budget, reduce budget risks and provide best value for money whilst delivering a meaningful, engaging public art project.


An alternative option considered was the commissioning of a single piece of artwork.  However, limited budgets, coupled with an ambition to create an event that has the opportunity to create social benefit across a wide audience, was the preferred route. 


The project proposal has been shared with the Violence Against Women and Girls Group and feedback was positive.

Contact: Sophie Barton Email: [email protected].

Publication date: 08/11/2023

Date of decision: 07/11/2023