Decision details

Final General Fund Budget Proposals 2011/12

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


To agree schedule of fees and charges and approve the budget proposals for recommendation to Council


Resolved that it be recommended to Council that:

  1. The revised budget for 2010/11 be approved;

  2. The final budget proposals detailed in this report and supporting appendices, including a proposed council tax for the services provided by Cheltenham Borough Council of £187.12 for the year 2011/12 (a 0% increase based on a Band D property) be approved.

  3. The growth proposals, including one off initiatives at Appendix 3 be approved.

  4. The reserve re-alignments at Appendix 8, as outlined in section 10 be approved.

  5. The proposed capital programme at Appendix 9, as outlined in Section 11 be approved and the intention to fund the replacement of vehicles and recycling bins through prudential borrowing where deemed appropriate be noted.

  6. The proposed Property Maintenance programme at Appendix 10 be approved.

  7. The updated Medium Term Financial Strategy at Appendix 11 including the impact of the ‘bridging the gap’ programme on the forecast budget gap be approved;

  8. A level of supplementary estimate of £100,000 for 2011/12 as outlined in section 15 be approved.

  9. The creation of the budget working group be approved, with 2 members nominated from each overview and scrutiny committee, to support the process of developing the budget process and improving scrutiny as outlined in Appendix 13.

Reason Key: Requires a budget expenditure or saving of £100,000 or more;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Public and stakeholder consultation

Contact: Mark Sheldon, Director of Corporate Resources Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected].

Report author: Mark Sheldon

Publication date: 10/02/2011

Date of decision: 08/02/2011

Decided at meeting: 08/02/2011 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: