Issue - decisions

Housing Revenue Account Revenue and Capital Revised Budget 2013/14 and Interim Budget Proposals 2014/15 for consultation

19/12/2013 - Housing Revenue Account Revenue and Capital Revised Budget 2013/14 and Interim Budget Proposals 2014/15 for consultation



  1. The revised HRA budget for 2013/14 be noted.


  1. The interim HRA budget proposals for 2014/15 be approved for consultation including a proposed average rent increase of 4.03% (applied in accordance with national rent restructuring guidelines) and increases in other rents and charges as detailed at Appendix 5.


  1. The proposed HRA capital programme for 2014/15 be approved as shown at Appendix 3.


  1. The creation of an earmarked revenue reserve be approved to finance future new build in the HRA. The value of funds to be transferred to this reserve to be considered by Cabinet as part of the review of HRA outturn for each accounting year.


  1. Authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Finance, in consultation with the Director of Resources, to approve the acquisition of private interests within sites identified for future development subject to the availability of funds as described in paragraph 5.5.


  1. Authority be delegated to the Director of Resources, in consultation
    with the Cabinet Member for Finance, to determine and approve any additional material that may be needed to support the presentation of the interim budget proposals for consultation.


  1. Consultation responses be sought by 30th January 2014.