Issue - decisions
Corporate Advertising & Sponsorship
19/07/2012 - Corporate Advertising & Sponsorship
Resolved that
- The introduction of the proposed Advertising & Sponsorship policy and procedure be approved. All sponsorship and advertising must fall within the policy.
- At the next budget setting meeting, full Council resolves that additional funding from advertising and sponsorship opportunities, over and above existing arrangements currently in place within service areas, will have a maximum of 50% of the funds reinvested into the assets being used with the balance held for central distribution through the budget setting process to reduce the council’s net cost of service, unless a specific corporate decision is made to reinvest a higher percentage. Funding already received from current advertising and sponsorship arrangements will remain within service areas.
- A list of council assets that are appropriate for advertising and sponsorship opportunities be developed by the Advertising & Sponsorship Task Group and presented to the Cabinet Member for Built Environment for approval.
- Authority be delegated to the Director of Resources to tender for and select a specialist marketing agency to source and generate sponsorship opportunities for the council for a period of three to five years, to include options for review should there be under-performance in terms of delivery of the contract.