Issue - decisions

Decision to accept DLUHC Rough Sleeper Grant funding (pot 1)

08/11/2023 - Decision to accept DLUHC Rough Sleeper Grant funding (pot 1)

To accept Rough Sleeping Initiative (RSI) Target Priority Group funding from DLUHC –
£14,515 in 2023/24 and £21,773 in 2024/25.
This funding will be an uplift to an existing allocation of funding already awarded under RSI 5 2022-25 funding as part of the government’s aim to end rough sleeping.
Cheltenham Borough Council (CBC) does not need to apply for this funding as the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) agreed to transfer the additional funding as an automatic payment during the scheduled routine payment run. This payment will normally be transferred to Gloucester City Council who manage the RSI funding allocations on behalf of the county-wide partnership, which includes each Gloucestershire district authority.
The uplift of funding will be specific spend for CBC to focus on a small number of individuals previously agreed as part of a Target Priority Group (TPG) i.e. those who are considered to be furthest away from ending their rough sleeping as a result of their complex needs.
CBC intends to use the funding as follows, in accordance with what has been agreed with DLUHC:
£14,515 in 2023/24 for the provision of emergency housing options and work towards and delivery of permanent housing solutions for the TPG entrenched rough sleepers.
£21,773 in 2024/25 for the provision of emergency housing options and work towards and delivery of permanent housing solutions for the TPG entrenched rough sleepers.
The Housing Options Team at Cheltenham Borough Homes will use their contacts with local Housing Associations, private landlords and accommodation providers to use this additional funding to book rooms which is in line with their normal process to book temporary emergency placements, and work towards and secure permanent housing solutions.
The spending range would be £5k - £7.25k per emergency room used for the period with an opportunity to use part of the allocation to fund additional hours from P3 Outreach or CCP to deliver bespoke support to help sustain the tenancies to make up any underspend in the cost of accommodation.