Issue - decisions
Housing Revenue Account Revised Forecast 2023-24 and Budget 2024-25
08/03/2024 - Housing Revenue Account Revised Forecast 2023-24 and Budget 2024-25
The Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets invited any questions on the item. There were none.
RESOLVED THAT: Council is recommended to:
1. approve the final HRA budget proposals (shown at Appendix 2);
2. approve a rent increase of 7.7% for social rent homes, affordable rent homes and shared ownership homes and changes to other rents and charges as detailed within the report;
3. approve the HRA capital programme as shown at Appendix 3 and the detailed capital programme at Appendix 4;
4. approve the HRA’s Asset Management Plan (AMP) to 2028 at Appendix 5;
5. note the revised HRA forecast for 2023/24.