Issue - decisions
Interim Budget Proposals for HRA
23/12/2021 - Interim Budget Proposals for HRA
1. The revised HRA forecast for 2021/22 be noted;
2. The interim HRA budget proposals for 2022/23 (shown at Appendix 2) be approved for consultation, including a proposed rent increase of 4.1% and changes to other rents and charges as detailed within the report;
3. The proposed HRA capital programme for 2022/23, as shown at Appendix 3 and Appendix 4, be approved;
4. Authority be delegated to the Executive Director Finance and Assets, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, to determine and approve any additional material that may be needed to support the presentation of the interim budget proposals for consultation;
5. Consultation responses be sought by 26th January 2022.