Issue - decisions

Housing Revenue Account Grounds Maintenance Review

20/12/2018 - Grounds Maintenance Services Within the Housing Revenue Account



1.    CBC enter into the deed of variation with UBICO for the delivery of these changes to the grounds maintenance services in the contract dated April 1st 2012 for grounds maintenance and other services (the contract identifies CBH as the managing agents). The changes to commence on April 1st 2019.


2.    It be noted that any anomalies in current service provision (as detailed in Section 3 of this report) will be rectified, subject, where appropriate, to any financial approvals being first obtained from CBC.


3.    Authority be delegated to the Managing Director Place & Growth, in consultation with the Borough Solicitor, to finalise the Deed of Variation to implement the objectives set out in this report. Also, authority be delegated to the Managing Director Place & Growth, in consultation with the Cabinet Member Clean and Green Environment and the Cabinet Member Housing to make any subsequent changes to the Grounds Maintenance Services to be provided by UBICO provided that any such changes have no significant financial impact on either the General Fund or the HRA.