Issue - decisions

Treasury Management and Annual Investment Strategy 2017/18

09/02/2017 - Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2017/18



Council be recommended to approve the attached Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Annual Investment Strategy for 2017/18 at Appendix 2, 2017/18 Lending list at Appendix 3 and MRP policy statement for 2016/17 and 2017/18 at Appendix 4, including :

·         The general policy objective ‘that Council should invest prudently the surplus funds held on behalf of the community giving priority to security and liquidity’.

·         That the Prudential Indicators for 2017/18 including the authorised limit as the statutory affordable borrowing limit determined under Section 3 (1) Local Government Act 2003 be approved.

·         Revisions to the Council’s lending list and parameters as shown in Appendix 3 are proposed in order to provide some further capacity. These proposals have been put forward after taking advice from the Council’s treasury management advisers Capita Asset Services and are prudent enough to ensure the credit quality of the Council’s investment portfolio remains high.

·         The use of Repo/Reverse Repo is accepted as a form of securitised lending.

For 2016/17 and 2017/18 in calculating the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP), the Council will apply a modified Option 1 in respect of supported capital expenditure to repay the debt in equal instalments over 35 years and Option 3 in respect of unsupported capital expenditure, adjusted from 2017/18 by the use of capital receipts to repay debt associated with capital loans as per paragraph 24 in Appendix 4.