Issue - decisions

Amendments to Licensing Policy, Guidance and Conditions for Private Hire and Taxis Operating within the Borough of Cheltenham

16/06/2016 - Amendments to Licensing Policy, Guidance and Conditions for Private Hire and Taxis Operating within the Borough of Cheltenham



1.    The amendments to Appendix J of the council’s adopted “Relevance of Convictions, Cautions and Fixed Penalty Notices in Relation to the Licensing of Drivers and Operators” policy as set out in Appendix 2 of this report be approved.

2.    An amendment to the council’s adopted Licensing Policy, Guidance and Conditions for Private Hire and Taxis Operating within the Borough of Cheltenham to introduce a new mandatory requirement for all new and licensed drivers to undertake safeguarding training be approved.

3.    Authority be delegated to the Director of Environment (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Development & Safety) to take the necessary steps to implement the training and the date when the new mandatory policy requirement is to come into effect.