Issue - decisions

Housing Revenue Account New Build-Garage Site Redevelopments and the Use of Right to Buy Receipts

10/11/2016 - Housing Revenue Account New Build- Garage site redevelopments and the use of Right to Buy Receipts



1.    Subject to subsequent Council approval, the Authority be authorised to accept the tender received from J Harper and Sons enter into a JCT Design and Build Contract for the construction of up to twelve new dwellings with Total Scheme Costs not to exceed £1,772,000. 

2.    authority be delegated to the Head of Property and Asset Management, in consultation with the Borough Solicitor and the Cabinet Member Housing to:

2.1  Conclude the JCT Design and Build contract with J Harper and             Sons.

2.2  Take all necessary steps and undertake all necessary procedures, including entering into any legal agreements or other documentation as may be required to implement or facilitate the developments.

2.3  Agree the final number of dwellings that will be built, in the event that the council is unable to proceed with the development of all twelve new dwellings because of site complications (such as unresolved rights of way issues).


3.    authority be delegated to the Head of Property and Asset Management, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer and Cabinet Member for Housing, to use the Right to Buy Receipts to purchase dwellings that are considered suitable for use as affordable housing (in accordance with the parameters set out within paragraph 5.4 of this report) PROVIDED THAT the Head of Property Services is satisfied it would not be possible to use these receipts to support the approved delivery of new affordable  housing on council owned sites due to time restrictions on the use of these receipts and PROVIDED FURTHER that the expenditure remains within Council approved budgets for the use of delivering new affordable housing.

4.    the Borough Solicitor be authorised to negotiate and complete such documents as she deems necessary or desirable to conclude the transactions negotiated by the Head of Property and Asset Management.

5.    the Authority be authorised to charge Affordable Rents to all dwellings.


that Council be recommended to :


6.    Authorise the allocation of up to £1,772,000 for the construction of up to twelve new dwellings.

7.    Note that the Total Scheme Costs of £1,772,000(broken down in further detail in exempt Appendix 3) will be funded by circa £531,000 of RTB receipts with the balance funded by the most appropriate combination of the other funding streams noted within the report – this decision being delegated to the Section 151 Officer in accordance with Financial Rules B7 and B8.

8.    Approves the Authority sourcing loan finance of up to £1,200,000 from the Public Works Loan Board to be used for the construction of twelve new dwellings.