Agenda item

Car Parking Strategy

Report of the Cabinet Member Development and Safety


The Cabinet Member Development and Safety introduced the report which discussed the proposed parking strategy that would guide the council’s approach to managing its parking estate and guide the decision-making process for all parking considerations over the next fourteen years. He highlighted that car parking was a major issue for residents and for the council it generated £3.5m gross revenue per annum. A strategic way forward was key in terms of the wider economic and social environment and for income and revenue for the council.


The Cabinet Member explained that in 2015 a car parking member working group was formed to develop a shared understanding of current parking related issues and scope for positive changes to the current provision. However, the parking service, with no managerial lead and a lack of technical and managerial expertise had been unable to progress project related work in relation to parking to feedback into the group for decision making. It was however agreed that  CBC would commission a consultant to develop a comprehensive parking strategy for Cheltenham and in November 2016 Arup, supported by Parking Matters, was awarded the contract for developing a parking strategy for Cheltenham. The Cabinet Member explained that the strategy was now required to cover a period up to 2031 and would be accompanied by a five-year action plan as outlined in Appendix 4.1. The objectives of the project have been to deliver a parking strategy that would :


·          ensure the provision of adequate parking up to 2031, that is delivered effectively, logically and at a competitive cost, whilst encouraging access by more sustainable transport alternatives, including walking, cycling and public transport;

·         assist traffic management, minimising congestion and its associated environmental impacts;

·         enhance the visitor experience and thereby help to optimise the economic growth of the town.

·         maintain or increase current parking revenue levels.


The car parking strategy would form part of a wider invest-to-save initiative for Cheltenham Borough Council to optimise economic growth, whilst at the same time supporting the aims of the Place Strategy.


The Cabinet Member referred to the recommendations based on the findings set out in the report provided by Arup and were summarised in Appendix 4. They included  parking tariffs, sustainable transport, way-finding and signage, joining up with GCC regarding pay-by-phone and enforcement regimes, secure cycle parking and free motorcycle parking.

Finally, the Cabinet Member highlighted that this was a comprehensive strategy and if adopted would future proof car parking up until 2031.


Members discussed the issue. They welcomed the input of the cabinet member working group which had covered many issues and had considered the final draft of the strategy. One Member requested that further consideration should be given to the charging strategy relating to evening parking. In response the Cabinet Member acknowledged that charging was a sensitive issue. However, when analysed car parking was cheaper in Cheltenham than in Bath or Oxford and not that much higher than in Worcester. One recommendation was that car parking tariffs should be split into 4 groups adopting a consistent tariff policy with the prime (short stay town centre) increasing from  £1.50 - £1.60. This would obviously have a knock on effect on 2-4 hourly stays.


When asked whether there was consideration of a half hourly rate the Cabinet Member said that this had been suggested but the current off street equipment could not easily be adjusted for half an hour but this could be looked at in the wider context of the replacement of the equipment which was in progress.


The Leader thanked all those involved in the project. This was very important for both the council and the town.




1.    The implementation of the parking strategy as recommended by Ove Arup and Partners Ltd (Arup) in their Car Parking Strategy: Summary of Recommendations Appendix 4 be approved.


2.    The indicative 5 year action plan be adopted, as detailed in the Summary of Recommendations Appendix 4.1;


3.    the deployment of existing capital budgets of £287,100 already set aside for parking projects be approved, to be used to assist in the delivery of identified priority actions, including upgrading the parking system at Regent Arcade;


4.    The Director of Environment be authorised, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Development and Safety, to develop and implement the first five years of the parking strategy within available resources, including where necessary, use of the parking revenue reserve.



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