Agenda item
424/00725/OUT - Land at North Road West and Grovefield Way
The Head of Development Management, Enforcement & Compliance introduced the report as published, highlighting that this was an outline application for up to 60 dwellings including 40% affordable housing and up to 550 square meters of flexible commercial use. He emphasized that appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale were reserved matters. He highlighted that an update sheet had been circulated with amended conditions and that the recommendation was to permit subject to these conditions and a s106 agreement.
There were no public speakers on the item.
In response to Members’ questions, officers confirmed that:
- It would not be possible to resolve the drainage issue that has existed on North Road West since the BMW site was built through a condition on the current planning application. Cheltenham Borough Council and the County Council have enforcement powers to manage this issue and it will be raised with the Enforcement Team.
Controlling routes of construction traffic to
prevent contractors’ vehicles using North Road West is within
the scope of a construction management plan. This can be dealt with
when the application to discharge that condition is
The matter then went to Member debate where the following points were made:
- The use of the site as a residential rather than commercial site was seen as a positive development, particularly given the pressure to build more houses as captured within the 5-year housing land supply particularly given the pressure to build more houses as captured within the 2.52 year housing land supply. The designation of 40% of properties as affordable housing was also highlighted as extremely important.
- Significant disappointment was expressed at the decision to provide access to the residential properties through North Road West, instead of Corinthian Way. North Road West is a very quiet county lane within the green belt, bound by hedgerows on both sides and is part of a designated national cycle route. In contrast Corinthian Way is a purpose-built two-lane road, designed to take high volumes of traffic.
- It was noted that the developers’ had agreed to put a pedestrian crossing at a point on North Road West but it was felt that it would be unusual to install a pedestrian crossing on a country road.
- A length of the hedgerow will be lost to create access and concern was raised that this would represent significant biodiversity net loss and be a key loss of a wildlife corridor. This will also negatively impact the current safe use of North Road West by cyclists, runners and walkers.
- Concern was raised that once the road is resurfaced people will exceed the 30mph speed limit in the stretch of the road that pedestrians will be able to access. It was also noted that whilst it was possible for cars to pass each other the road was tight.
- As the access would only be for 60 properties it will not represent a significant increase in traffic.
- There are existing drainage issue on North Road West. It was stressed that the developers should bear in mind that the water course should be able to travel under the road in North Road West.
- Whilst the committee could reject the application due to concerns about access, given the Highways team had not raised an objection it was likely that the application would be approved on appeal.
Officers offered the following responses to the Member’s debate:
- The Principal Development Co-Ordinator confirmed that the Highways team had discussed the use of Corinthian Way for access with the developer. They had confirmed they were committed to North Road West access due to the benefit it would bring to the residential estate to create a separation from the commercial site. Highways do prefer to have separate accesses to avoid conflict of lots of pedestrians with large HGVs. The Highways team then considered the benefit and risk of North Road West access, including speed readings and the visibility that could be achieved, and on balance there was no fundamental reason they could not support the application.
- The speed limit on North Road West is presently going to remain at 50mph. Internal paths on the estate will lead pedestrians to a section of road where it is 30mph.
- There will be pedestrian access to Corinthian Way, the only separation will be vehicular.
- At most 20m of hedgerow will be lost to create the access.
- Discussions have already been held with the developer about the location of access and it is not for the committee to re-design the scheme or fundamentally change means of access to the site. Members have the right to vote against the officer recommendation. However, as officers are happy with the means of access from North Road West and the application complies with planning policy it is likely this refusal would be subject to an appeal. Members were reminded that if a decision is made without evidence to support the decision the authority is exposed to risk of costs on any appeal.
The matter then went to the vote on the officer recommendation to permit subject to conditions and s106 agreement:
For: 9
Against: 1
Abstentions: 0
Voted to permit subject to conditions and s106 agreement.
Supporting documents:
Land_at_North_Road_West_and_Grovefield_Way_24_00725_OUT_Report, item 7.
PDF 673 KB
Land_at_North_Road_West_and_Grovefield_Way_24_00725_OUT_Representations, item 7.
24_00725_OUT_Updates_and_Corrections, item 7.
PDF 163 KB
Land_at_North_Road_West_and_Grovefield_Way_24_00725_OUT_Presentation, item 7.