Agenda item
Cheltenham Borough Council and Cheltenham Borough Home's Greenhouse Gas Emission Report: 2023/24
Report of the Cabinet Member Climate Emergency
The Cabinet Member Climate Emergency introduced the report and explained that it shows the progress made by CBH and CBC to reach carbon net zero. He thanked Debbie Baker, a nationally recognised climate expert, who has been providing consultancy advice to the council and ensuring the methodologies used follow national best practice. He commented that following her imminent departure she would be leaving a full and well-motivated climate change team.
The Cabinet Member Climate Emergency highlighted that good progress has made in areas where the council have direct control:
- Emissions relating to fossil fuel use fell by 18% since last year.
- Further progress has been in decarbonising vehicle fleet and with UBICO.
- Investments have been made to make buildings and services more energy efficient, for example at the leisure centre.
- Better measurement of energy use through improved building management systems.
- Judicious energy generation projects such as installation of solar panels at the leisure centre.
- Continuing bids to secure central government funding.
He explained that as well as helping to reduce global warming, achieving net zero ambitions will play a key role in reducing council overheads and ensuring long-term financial viability of the council and its’ services. He sought the council’s endorsement and support for the recommendations made in the report.
In response to a Members’ question, the following points were raised:
- The council thanked the team for the provision of such a detailed report.
- The report will be subject to an internal audit by SWAP for the first time and will be shared in the public accounts.
- A plan is in place and will be led by officers to manage the behavioural changes required to reduce scope 3 emissions.
- The council is working collaboratively and meeting regularly with Gloucestershire County Council and the other neighbouring district councils to reduce emissions within shared services.
- We had previously received communication that a funding bid to establish a heat network had been unsuccessful as the funding had been issued on a first come basis. It has now been confirmed that whilst there have been more bids than available funding, the competition is still ongoing and cases are being assessed. Cheltenham has submitted a strong bid supported by local businesses. We are engaging with the government through our MP and the Local Government Association (LGA) to encourage them to change the previous government’s approach of very short submission deadlines. The council will continue to pursue funding opportunities to achieve our net zero ambitions.
- Talks at the Cheltenham Literature Festival highlighted that there are three strands for tackling the climate crisis – energy, transport and food. Whilst the current plan addresses transport and food, additional thought will be given to what actions could be taken to address food emissions.
The following points were made during the members’ debate:
- It is extremely positive to see that the council has access to the data required to make intelligent decisions on emissions and understand how they are produced. It is hoped that this will allow committees, such as Overview and Scrutiny to carry out more detailed reviews on individual council assets in the future.
- To tackle scope 2 emissions the council is reliant on the decarbonisation of the infrastructure and the grid. It will be a significant challenge for the new government to ensure that this is sufficiently funded across the UK so we are less reliant on fossil fuels.
The Cabinet Member Climate Emergency commented that it was encouraging to see unity across the chamber for the council’s approach to achieving net zero. He highlighted the importance of the talented individuals within the climate change team and expressed his confidence that the vision and roadmap presented will be achieved.
RESOLVED (unanimously) THAT:
- Calculating CBC emissions through one report next year (2024-2025), and onwards by combining the previous Cheltenham Borough Council and Cheltenham Borough Homes reports be approved, such that a new baseline is created combining the two organisations’ original figures.
- Alongside the broader Climate Emergency Action Plan, funding be sought to progress the development of detailed designs and pathway plans for the key individual buildings owned by Cheltenham Borough Council, to enable an application for Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme Funding next year.
- Continued focus is retained on HRA Carbon Reduction Plan for Housing including the continued improvements to the housing stock utilising external funding where-ever possible, i.e. WH:SHF (Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund)
- The work across CBC to review Scope 3 supply chain emissions and processes for engaging with key contractors to better understand emissions and hence plan reductions be supported.
Supporting documents:
- 2024_10_14_COU_Carbon_Emissions_report 2023_24, item 9. PDF 720 KB
- 2024_10_14_COU_Carbon_Emission_Reports_2023_2024_Appendix_2, item 9. PDF 810 KB
- 2024_10_14_COU_Carbon_Emissions_report_2023_2024_Appendix_3, item 9. PDF 339 KB