Agenda item
24/00605/CONDIT Imperial Gardens, Cheltenham
Councillor Oliver left the chamber and took no further part in the meeting.
Councillor Clark returned to the chamber.
Councillor Bamford was in attendance for item 6b.
The planning officer introduced the report as published.
There was one public speaker on the item, the applicant in support of the application.
Helen Mole, Head of Place Marketing and Inward Investment addressed the committee as the applicant and made the following points:
- The ice rink was given planning permission to operate over three years as long as generators were not used after year one. When the application was originally submitted it was anticipated that a fixed power supply would be in place by year two. This has not been possible for reasons as set out in the application and why it is necessary to vary the condition.
- When the initial condition was set it was based on diesel generators being used. What was achieved in 2023 was a significant improvement and has been declared industry leading for events of this nature.
- CBC had worked with a local company which provided a high capacity battery which when backed up the existing on site power provision meant that a generator was only required for between one and four hours per day. This was a huge reduction from the 2021 ice rink.
- The power provision for the ice rink was quiet, it only used 12.7% of the fuel that was used in 2021 and it generated 98.7% lower fuel emissions.
- She had worked closely with the climate change team at the council to ensure that the monitoring and measurement of the fuel consumption and emissions were carried out in line with established methodology and that the figures quoted have been verified.
- The ice rink only used sustainably sourced HVO instead of diesel and were stringent that the fuel was sourced ethically and sustainably which was verified through two schemes. Assurances had been received that the fuel only came from waste feed stocks and every fuel delivery received had a certificate to confirm this.
- The event manager had worked closely with residents and businesses that were likely to be impacted by any noise. No complaints received relating to noise. High spec noise reduction equipment which was over and above what was required by the noise assessment.
- The event formed an important part of Cheltenham Christmas offer to residents and visitors. According to the economic impact report visitor to the ice rink spent an estimated £1.6m in Cheltenham during the ice rink period of which £868k was additional. It represents a return on investment of around £11 per £1 invested by the council. For 83% of visitors to the ice rink it was their main reason for visiting Cheltenham. The economic impact of the 2023 ice rink was independently assessed by a professional agency with significant experience in tourism and events. They were selected following a procurement process and were instructed to provide an independent and unbiased assessment. Their feedback on the survey that was carried out was that the methods used in the evaluation are robust as are the estimates provided for the additional economic value.
The matter then went to Member questions, the responses were as follows:
- The only comment received about noise disturbance was regarding the removal of the equipment not the operation of it. This was acknowledged and resolved.
- If the electrical supply and the battery supply is not sufficient then the generator would kick in.
The matter then went to Member debate the move away from the use of a diesel generator was welcomed, however, disappointment was expressed that the national grid hadn’t been upgraded to provide power for events.
The matter then went to the vote on the officer recommendation to permit:
For: Unanimous
Supporting documents:
24-00605 Officer Report, item 6b
PDF 257 KB
Representations 24 00605FUL, item 6b
Imperial Garden - Ice Rink, item 6b
PDF 561 KB