Agenda item

23/00745/PRMA 33 Prestbury Road


The Licensing Team Leader introduced the report as published.


He explained at the Chairs request that planning and licensing issues are two different issues.  A planning issue cannot be decided at the licensing committee.


The applicant was then asked if they had questions for the officer, which they did not.


The Chair explained to the applicant that this was their opportunity to address the objections that had been received.


The applicant then spoke and made the following points:

·         If there is any anti social behaviour customers will be asked to leave the premises.

·         They have good CCTV installed that records both sound and pictures.

·         Acoustic panelling has been fitted.

·         There will be clear signage asking people to leave quietly and with respect for the neighbours.

·         They may hold quiz and board game nights but there will be no party nights.

·         Bottles will be put in the recycling during office hours only as this can be noisy and disturb the neighbours.

·         Drinks will not be allowed to be taken outside to the smoking area.

·         For times when the establishment will be particularly busy there will be door staff employed.

·         They are considering a parking scheme – ie a small discount when certain car parks are used, this will hopefully prevent a problem with local parking.

·         The applicant made it clear that the premises will be a cocktail bar and will not be an all-night drinking establishment.

·         The applicant has owned a business on the Prestbury Road for over ten years and is sensitive to the concerns of the objectors. 

·         The staff that will be employed have all got experience of working in busy town centre pubs and are confident in dealing with any issues.

·         If there is any live music at the venue it will be played in the basement which is soundproofed.

·         One of the objections addressed the amount of noise coming from the property during the renovations, the applicant stated that there is nothing that he could have done about that as it was due to the builders being noisy.

·         The applicant is happy for their telephone number to be openly available so that they can be contacted if people want to.

·         The aim of the establishment is to have a professional controlled bar where people can enjoy rums from around the world.


The responses to Member questions to the applicant are as follows:

·         The race meetings that the applicant will be extending opening hours are January, March, October and November.

·         The closing time of the establishment will be 01.00 during those times with drink up time being 00.30.


The matter then went to Member debate where the following points were raised:

·         The applicant is clearly known to the residents so is not a stranger.

·         There was a thought that perhaps the objectors had misunderstood what type of premises the application is for.

·         Parking is not a material matter that the committee can give due regard to.

·         The downstairs of the premises is far more insulated against noise.

·         The objection in the bundle 1c has quoted the planning documents and these cannot be taken into account.

·         Conditioning the recycling of the glass bottles seems to be the correct way to go.

·         The suggested hours are well within the policy and the hours of race week are unlikely to cause a problem.  The hours had been clarified so there is no issue there.

·         The application has attracted both concern and support – the objectors will need to speak to their Ward Councillors and/or planning enforcement about the matters that they have mentioned in their representations.

·         There have not been any representations from any responsible authorities.


The applicant was then given the final right of reply where he stated that there will be no football shown at the bar.


The Members then adjourned to consider the application.


 On return the Chair announced that the licence was granted unanimously with the following additional conditions to be added:

·         Door staff during race weeks.

·         No drinks outside.

·         Glass recycling between the hours of 08.30 and 17.30.



Supporting documents: