Agenda item
Break Films, Cheltenham Town Football Club
- Meeting of Licensing Sub Committee-Alcohol and Gambling, Tuesday, 21st July, 2020 10.30 am (Item 4.)
Officer Report
The Senior Licensing officer introduced the report.
Break Films has made an application for a temporary event notice application for an event to be held at Cheltenham Town Football Club. The reason for the hearing is that there has been a police objection to the application. The planned event is to show a number of films over two days and the licensable activities subject to the temporary event notice are:
· The sale by retail of alcohol
· The provision of regulated entertainment
· The provision of late night refreshment
The objection was made by Gloucestershire Constabulary. The application and supporting documents have been published on the Cheltenham Borough Council website. The applicant also provided additional documents just prior to the meeting which has been circulated to all of the members and the police, including details of the screen times being shown.
The Senior Licensing Officer explained the role of the sub committee and the options available to it. The sub committee may disregard the police objection and not decide to issue a counter notice or it can determine to issue a counter notice, effectively a refusal of the temporary event notice which will result in the event being unable to go ahead.
The Senior Licensing Officer reminded members that the licensing authority can only attach conditions where there is an existing premises license in place. In this case, although there is a premises license in place for Cheltenham Town Football Club, it does not include the car park where this event is planned to take place. Members cannot, therefore, attach conditions however there is the ability to attach modifications.
The grounds of the objection by the police are prevention of public nuisance and public safety – specifically concerns regarding traffic management issues.
In response to questions from members, the Senior Licensing Officer confirmed that:
· Environment health is a consultee on a temporary event notice application, however the emphasis in terms of environment health response to Covid is dealt with through risk assessment by the premises and event organiser. This is to ensure it is Covid secure at the time the event happens, particularly as guidance is changing so quickly.
There were not questions from the applicant.
In response to a question from the police the Senior Licensing Officer stated that the number of stewards at any event depends on the individual risk assessment for each event.
Presentation by the applicants, Terri Dwyer and Dean Fisher of Break Films
· Break Films is a small, independent film company. Their film ‘Break’ was scheduled to be released in April but of course this has been disrupted by the Covid crisis. They have therefore had to be creative about the release of their film.
· They believe the safest way to release the film is as a drive in and they have scheduled their world premiere in at a drive in in London.
· Cheltenham is one of five drive ins they are organising.
· They have a full compliment of event management, security, medical and safeguarding staff in place. Full risks assessments are in place to mitigate Covid and ensure a safe and enjoyable event.
· The plan is to show 5 age specific films per day to provide a wide range of entertainment for the local community
· Although the chances of getting 250 cars to the event, there is a traffic management plan in place with professional security on site. There will be a ‘holding area’ in the car park to mitigate queuing on the highway. They will bring their learning from their prior two events.
· The applicants wish to work with the authorities in order to put on a safe and entertaining event for the community.
In response to questions from members, the applicants confirmed that:
· A site plan has been sent.
· The capacity could be reduced to 200 to accommodate space needed for toilets, catering and vehicle holding area. In reality, they are expecting around 100 cars.
· The screen will be straight ahead as cars drive in ie. using existing car parking layout
· The time for turnaround is around 80 minutes. The programme has been developed to attract different demographics.
· The football club will advertise amongst their fan base, there is a visual online marketing presence together with posters in local areas. Tickets will be sold online.
· There will be 3 gazebos – medic, event management and safeguarding – which slot at the side. There is also a food van.
· At drive ins, food is ordered by text which is then delivered to the side of the car. Payment is made contactless.
· Installation starts at 8am, ready for a 9am start. The screen is a powerful LED screen.
· Security will ask for proof of age for the 15+ film which is showing at 7pm. The film is rated 15+ due to language, not visual content. It will be difficult to view from the public highway due to gazebos in the way but security will ask people to move away if relevant.
· There is no PA system; the sound comes in through the car radio
· The applicants are talking to the health and safety officer at the football club regarding emergency entrances.
The Chair invited the police to give their comments, as objectors to the application:
The police representative stressed that their objection is solely around the issue of traffic management. There are no objections to the event apart from this. The recent additional information provided by the applicant, both before and during the meeting, is very helpful but more detail is needed about flow of traffic and number of stewards as there is potential for traffic on the main road and impact on the community. More detailed about the flow of traffic ie. on entry and exit, would be very helpful. The police are very happy to help and advise and are sympathetic to what the applicants are planning.
In response to questions from members, the police confirmed that:
· The police provide no support for football matches; this is provided completely by the football club as the stewards know how traffic flow works. A single match is different to multiple events on one day.
· If the applicant has the support and guidance of the football club it will be reassuring for the police.
· They have no objections apart from traffic management.
Following advice from the Legal Officer, the chair called a short adjournment in order that discussions can take place between members with a separate meeting for the police and applicants to discuss the possible way forward.
Following the adjournment the police representative confirmed that after a productive conversation with the applicant, they are withdrawing their objection on the basis that there is an agreement that:
· The events liaison on behalf of Gloucestershire Constabulary with the club to assist with traffic management issues on the site
· The applicant fully understands the issues around traffic management and will be having further discussions with the police regarding this, including the holding area which ensures the integrity of entrance and exit.
The applicant thanked members and the police for their time, help and support.
Agreement by objectors to withdraw objections
Meeting ends 1233
Supporting documents:
report - final, item 4.
PDF 233 KB
Appendix 1 redacted, item 4.
Appendix 2, item 4.
PDF 239 KB
Appendix 3, item 4.
PDF 1011 KB