Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions
Contact: Rhian Watts, Democracy Officer Tel: 01242 264251
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Jan Foster and Agnieszka Wisniewska. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: There were none. |
Public and Member Questions Minutes: There were none. |
Minutes of the last meeting To approve the minutes of the 15th January 2025 Minutes: To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 15th January 2025.
RESOLVED THAT The minutes of the meeting held on 15 January 2025 were signed as a correct record. |
CEO Briefing (Verbal Update) Minutes: Objective: An update from the Chief Executive on key issues which may be of interest to the Cabinet Housing Committee.
The Chief Executive addressed the committee and provided an update on local government reorganisation and devolution. He explained that county council elections will be going ahead in May which provides more certainty over the timeline. The government has written to all 2-tier areas and asked councils to submit an interim submission by 21 March, to be followed by the final formal submission in November 2025. It is expected that a new authority would be vested from approximately April/May 2028. There may be an election a year before this to establish a Shadow Authority to allow a smooth transition to take place.
The Chief Executive noted that concern has been raised nationally around the risk to staff retention and the continued delivery of services during the reorganisation. Following housing services being brought in-house in July 2024 we will be trying as far as possible to future proof housing services, so colleagues are not put through multiple rounds of reorganisation. This could be a destabilising factor around the business, and the council want to ensure that service quality, compliance and delivery of the consumer standard improvement programme is not impacted or delayed due to the wider reorganisation agenda. Leadership are currently reviewing service areas to reduce the extent to which housing would be subject to further reorganisation in a future structure so it can instead be transferred wholly.
The Chief Executive explained that progress has been made on the previously delayed stock condition surveys and thanked colleagues and the contractor for working together to speed the process up. We are now close to achieving the 20% of stratified survey samples that will allow informed decisions to be made. He highlighted that this work is essential to the housing improvement journey and assured the committee that we will ensure surveys continue to progress.
The committee’s discussion raised the following points:
Quarter 3 2024 - 25 Housing Complaints and Compliments Report Additional documents: Minutes: Objective: To provide an overview of housing related complaints and compliments from quarter 3, identifying key areas of dissatisfaction and areas for learning and service improvement.
The Director of Housing – Customer and Community Services presented the report to the committee and explained that in quarter 3 62 complaints had been received, with 7 progressed to stage 2, 6 of which was upheld. Complaints have focused on quality of work, poor communication and delays in delivering service which will be the focus for learning going forwards. During the quarter, 30 compliments were received with the majority for the Repair Service. Pleased to note a significant reduction in complaints relating to contractor performance reflecting the impact of planned maintenance meetings and a focus on the quality of contractor work.
The committee’s discussion raised the following points:
Communal Areas Improvement Project Update Minutes: Objective: To update the Committee on the ongoing project to improve the cleaning and maintenance of Communal Areas.
The Interim Housing Transformation Director presented the report to the committee and explained that the Communal Areas Improvement Project had been undertaken as this was a lower scoring area within the tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs). The Estates Maintenance Supervisor highlighted the benefits that had been provided by investing in new equipment including scrubber dryers and new vacuum cleaners. He explained that this had improved efficiency, quality, safety and colleague moral.
The committee’s discussion raised the following points:
Anti-Social Behaviour Service Improvement Plan Overview and Update Additional documents: Minutes: Objective: To update the Committee on the ongoing project to improve management of Anti-Social Behaviour.
The Tenancy Services Manager introduced the report and highlighted the importance of managing ASB within the Consumer Standards. He explained that the improvement plan is being managed through 5 projects with initial focus on reaching compliance with the Consumer Standards, and the introduction of transactional satisfaction surveys for customers who have used the ASB service. Scoping has begun with the Comms Team for project 4 - to improve communication and external perception of the ASB service.
The committee’s discussion raised the following points:
Strategic Housing Risk Register Additional documents: Minutes: Objective: To review the strategic risks relating to housing from the Council’s Risk Register.
The Director of Governance and Customer Services presented the report to the committee and highlighted that:
Updates from the Tenant and Leaseholder Panels Minutes: Objective: To highlight the ongoing activities of the Tenant and Leaseholder Panels and provide an additional opportunity for tenant and leaseholder voices to be heard.
The leaseholder representative updated the committee on the most recent meeting of the Leaseholder Panel in January. They have agreed that the immediate priority was Section 20s as this was a key concern for members. The Head of Housing Service will be attending the February meeting to provide information, answer questions and explore ways to improve the process for customers. They will also consider how they can work together on the planned review of the Leaseholder Handbook to ensure it meets the needs of leaseholders.
The Director of Housing – Customer and Community Services provided an update on behalf of the Tenant Panel and explained that they had undertaken compliance awareness training in December and would be receiving regular compliance reports in the future. A scrutiny on the complaints handling process is currently being finalised. The Panel will also be working with the Community Investment Manager and the Safeguarding, Equality and Diversity Manager to review equality of access to services.
The committee’s discussion raised the following points:
Review of the Housing Committee Forward Plan Minutes: The committee were informed that the April meeting has been cancelled due to proximity with the county council elections. Items to be reviewed will be added to the June agenda.
Items to be referred to Cabinet Minutes: There were none.
Briefing Note - Impact of the Right to Buy Legislative Changes Minutes: Objective: To provide the Committee with an understanding of the impact of the changes to Right to Buy legislation.
It was agreed that an additional update on the impact of the Right to Buy legislative changes should be provided to the committee at a future meeting.
Briefing Note - Housing Sector Insight Minutes: Objective: To provide the Committee with an overview of recent developments in the housing sector and provide opportunities for horizon scanning.
It was agreed that a report would be brought to the committee on the actions taken to reach compliance with Awaab’s Law prior to its implementation in October 2025. |