Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Municipal Offices. View directions
Contact: Claire Morris, Democratic Services 01242 264130
No. | Item |
Election of Chair Minutes: It was agreed prior to the meeting that Councillor Wheeler would Chair the committee. |
Apologies Minutes: There were none. |
Declarations of interest Minutes: Councillors Tailford and Harman visited the site. |
Determination of Application for a Premises Licence- 284 High Street PDF 250 KB Report of the Head of Public Protection.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Licensing Team Leader introduced the report as published.
There were no Member questions for the Officer and none from the agent on behalf of the applicant.
In response to a question from the objector the Officer explained that they could present their objection as it only amplifies and clarifies the representation that they made.
The objector then addressed the committee and made the following points: - The police report does not reflect what it is like living in the area with broken bottles, homeless people on the doorstep, needles, and windows that have been smashed. - At the weekend groups of teenagers hang around outside the shop next door to the entrance of our home. This feels unsafe as there are kids dumping bikes and behaving badly. Have had to navigate around drunks and have had to call the police on a number of occasions. - Drunk race goers have found their way into the alleyway and urinate and defecate there. - A Sri Lankan super-market to one that sells alcohol changes the type of clientele and problems it will bring. These venues that sell alcohol do not deal with the aftermath of drunk people. - There are several children that live above the shop and suffer disturbed sleep as a result, nothing is more important than children’s welfare. The longer opening hours would have further impact on this. - Current freeholder added residences above the business. The business should reflect tenants’ rights. By offering these long opening hours they do not believe the landlord will be fulfilling their own covenants. - Selling alcohol will bring trouble to the entrance of the property and the other family were unaware of the licence application along with other next-door neighbour. - Granting a licence will cause public nuisance in the area, there are already two other stores which sell alcohol and they have people who can disperse trouble and there are no residential buildings above Tesco. The Family Shopper is far removed and they have concrete dividers which gives better soundproofing than we have. - The lack of soundproofing in our property would be in contravention of building control regulations.
A Member asked the objector about the gate at the property and provided the following response: - Through the gate there is no passageway there is the stairs up to our flat and the other flat. The council installed gates in the community behind us which, has lowered the crime rate of people passing through but people now hang out rather than being an escape route.
The agent on behalf of the applicant addressed the committee and made the following points: - Convenience store with off licence provision is a pleasantly designed store, will be a benefit for residents. - The applicant has invested a lot into the layout and design of the shop, additional lighting, further employment. Applicant has similar stores in Tewkesbury, 10 years’ experience and none of his businesses have attracted the attention of any responsible authorities. |
Any other items the Chairman determines to be urgent and which requires a decision Minutes: There were none. |