Issue - meetings

Business Rate Reliefs

Meeting: 18/02/2025 - Cabinet (Item 11)

11 Business Rate Reliefs pdf icon PDF 453 KB

Report of Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets

Additional documents:




1.    Discretionary Rate Relief Policy set out in Appendix 3 is approved;


2.    the Head of Revenues and Benefits is authorised, in consultation with the Cabinet Member Finance and Assets, to implement any changes to the temporary relief schemes detailed in Appendix 3, as required by Government, or to ensure the successful operation of the schemes;


3.    decisions relating to the award of Discretionary Rate Relief in section 2, Hardship Relief in section 3 and Partly Occupied Relief in Section 4 of the policy in Appendix 3 are delegated as follows:


·         Awards of up to £20,000 to be determined by the Head of Revenues and Benefits with reconsiderations being determined by the Deputy Chief Executive

·         Awards between £20,000 and £100,000 to be determined by the Deputy Chief Executive with reconsiderations being determined by the Cabinet Member Finance and Assets


4.    due to the volume of cases, decisions in respect the award of temporary reliefs detailed in Appendix 3 are delegated to the Head of Revenues and Benefits and officers in the Business Rates team. In the case of a dispute, reconsideration will be made by the Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer;


5.    the Monitoring Officer is authorised to make the necessary changes to the Council’s Constitution.



The Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets introduced her report, saying that retail, hospitality and leisure are very important to the Cheltenham economy, adding vibrancy and providing jobs, and the council must do all it can to support those industries across the town, including through discretionary business rates relief.  She said there are no significant updates to the scheme this year; a few categories are being merged, and although this means sacrificing £50k of income, this is felt to be a worthwhile sacrifice.

The Leader said these are challenging times for business, and it is good to offer support which could mean the difference between some businesses existing or not.  It is another example of the council doing things it is not required to do to support its residents and ensure a diverse range of businesses across the borough.



1.    Discretionary Rate Relief Policy set out in Appendix 3 is approved;


2.    the Head of Revenues and Benefits is authorised, in consultation with the Cabinet Member Finance and Assets, to implement any changes to the temporary relief schemes detailed in Appendix 3, as required by Government, or to ensure the successful operation of the schemes;


3.    decisions relating to the award of Discretionary Rate Relief in section 2, Hardship Relief in section 3 and Partly Occupied Relief in Section 4 of the policy in Appendix 3 are delegated as follows:


·         Awards of up to £20,000 to be determined by the Head of Revenues and Benefits with reconsiderations being determined by the Deputy Chief Executive

·         Awards between £20,000 and £100,000 to be determined by the Deputy Chief Executive with reconsiderations being determined by the Cabinet Member Finance and Assets


4.    due to the volume of cases, decisions in respect the award of temporary reliefs detailed in Appendix 3 are delegated to the Head of Revenues and Benefits and officers in the Business Rates team. In the case of a dispute, reconsideration will be made by the Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer;


5.    the Monitoring Officer is authorised to make the necessary changes to the Council’s Constitution.