Issue - meetings

Local Validation Checklist

Meeting: 18/02/2025 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Local Validation Checklist pdf icon PDF 809 KB

Report of Cabinet Member for Planning and Building Control

Additional documents:




-       the draft Local Validation List is approved (with its final published form/format/ appearance delegated to Head of Planning, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Building Control).





The Cabinet Member for Planning and Building Control explained that the council has a statutory requirement to have a Local Validation Checklist, which is reviewed on a regular basis to ensure it is up to date and compliant with our own local planning policy.  The contents of our list are prescribed by national legislation, to which our own local requirements can be added.  This is a detailed document, containing a huge amount of information, and has gone to consultation not only with all our local partners but also with a number of CBC officers. 

He said that if Members approve the draft document, he and the Head of Planning will approve the final document, including any minor amendments to formatting.

The Cabinet Member for Safety and Communities thanked him for the very thorough document, which she said would be a great tool for developers, and streamline efficiency by enabling everyone to find the information they require more quickly.



-       the draft Local Validation List is approved (with its final published form/format/ appearance delegated to Head of Planning, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Building Control).