Issue - meetings

Updated Climate Action Plan

Meeting: 28/05/2024 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Updated Climate Action Plan pdf icon PDF 692 KB

Additional documents:



-       the updated Climate Emergency Action Plan is approved and published.





The former Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency presented the report, saying it was a great privilege to have worked on it and made a meaningful contribution to the council’s current position regarding the climate emergency.  She said she is frequently asked whether CBC will achieve its net zero target by 2030, and this fantastic report shows and explains the progress of the last few years and highlights all that the council is doing and can do to achieve its goals.  It is an ambitious document and the new Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency will have the immense privilege of delivering it.  She thanked the excellent officer team, in particular Debbie Baker, for their work.

The incoming Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency commended all the work involved in delivering the paper, saying it was an immensely important document, created under the guidance of an experienced figure of national standing, and setting out the draft roadmap to net zero in Cheltenham.  He said the challenges are immense and the goals huge, but that all the targets are achievable if we think globally and act in Cheltenham.

The Cabinet Member for Safety and Communities thanked officers for a thorough report, setting out the journey to date, and in particular the sharing of advice and guidance through the climate impact assessment tool which is helping other councils to achieve their climate emergency goals. 

She took the opportunity to mention that although e-scooters are a great and green mode of transport, in St Peter’s and elsewhere they can be misused and some local residents are fearful of anti-social behaviour related to their use.  She suggested that it would be helpful if the new Cabinet Member could pick up conversations with Gloucestershire County Council to find out what is happening with regard to enforcement and how this can be used to reduce ASB relating to e-scooters.

She also commented that the council had been successful over the past few years with the social housing decarbonisation fund, but the cost is astronomical and the challenge for local government is to ensure the funds come forward from central government to help achieve these goals and reduce energy costs for residents.

The Cabinet Member for Finance and Assets agreed that e-scooter enforcement is important but complicated, and it is important to be flexible enough to take advantage of opportunities without undermining them.  She also considered that bringing CBH back in house would help the council move forward with investment and tackling poverty.

The Cabinet Member for Major Developments and Housing Delivery thanked officers and the former Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency for this extensive piece of work, and also the previous Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency, former Councillor Wilkinson, who started the process when in office.  He welcomed the action plan, and was pleased to see the council showing leadership across the town.




-       the updated Climate Emergency Action Plan is approved and published.