Issue - meetings

Food Safety Service Plan - update

Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Food Safety Service Plan - update pdf icon PDF 463 KB

Report of Cabinet Member for Safety and Communities

Additional documents:




-       the Food Safety Service Plan 2024-25 is approved



The Cabinet Member for Safety and Communities introduced her report, and thanked al officers responsible for creating a detailed Food Safety Service Plan to ensure the wellbeing of residents and visitors with food fit for human consumption, while supporting the success of local businesses, 41% of which are restaurants or cafes.


She said all new businesses involved in food handling must register at least 28 days before they begin to operate. 158 new food business inspections were carried out between April 2023 and March 2024, 158 new food business inspections were carried out, and on 01 April 2024, CBC was responsible for regulating 1102 registered food businesses. A huge amount of work has gone into compiling the plan, which shows how buoyant these businesses are when it comes to food production, processing and distribution. The council has a statutory duty to monitor, verify and enforce the requirements of food law, and ensure that we have sufficient resources to do so with suitably trained, authorised officers. 


She hoped Members would approve the plan.


The Leader commented that it is vital to have these policies in place, and critically important to the safely of Cheltenham residents.  She thanked officers for all the work they do.  




-       the Food Safety Service Plan 2024-25 is approved