Issue - meetings
Safety of Women at Night
Meeting: 18/10/2021 - Council (Item 11)
11 Safety of Women at Night PDF 493 KB
Report of the Cabinet Member Safety and Communities
The Cabinet Member Safety and Communities introduced the report and thanked officers involved in the issue. She noted that the police had also agreed to attend a seminar with Members if they so wish. She hoped that the Home Office funding being bid for would help, but noted that there were also things that could be done without funding to ensure that the concerns of women in the town were not ignored.
These included using licensing policy to ensure that staff in pubs and restaurants knew what to do when approached about drink spiking and general harassment, and working with both teachers and pupils in schools to reduce abuse. With the funding from the OPCC there would also be money from more security cameras and the development of an app for people to anonymously report abuse. She stressed that women needed to feel safe when walking around the town.
In response to Member questions, the Cabinet Member stated that they were working with the Police and Crime Commissioner to ensure that women knew they could report sexual harassment and see real action. There was also confirmation that if the grant was awarded it would need to be spent by March 2022. She assured Members that regardless of the success of the bid, the council would make the streets safer for women.
The matter then went into debate where the following points were raised:
- The Chair of Licensing Committee emphasised his full support for the measures.
- Poor design of new buildings was a factor in both men and women feeling unsafe.
- There needed to be joined-up reporting of people who are dangerous. As part of the Night Safe scheme there was a centralised list of people excluded from establishments, and all of them are men.
- International action was needed on the subject of social media as online abuse can cause significant mental health problems.
- Women should not feel the need to be escorted home.
- Better lighting in public areas like parks would improve the situation.
- The council should work with GCC to deliver safer streets.
The debate concluded with cross party thanks to the Cabinet Member for her work on this issue.
- The results of the survey as set out in section 2 be noted.
- The submission of the grant application to the Home Office as set out in section 3 be noted.
- Cabinet be requested to consider the proposals to progress a range of projects, set out in para 7.2 onwards, should the bid not be successful.